Chapter 15

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Layla Pov

" The thing is that Noor's mother...." before Salman could finish what he was saying the doctor walks out of the operation theater. "I'll tell you later or I think it's better Azaan tells you himself once his doing well again."

I let the topic slide and decide it's better to just ask Azaan himself maybe it's something he doesn't want me to know. I push to thoughts away and decide to concentrate on what the doctor has to say.

" Who her parent? " the doctor questions. Azaan quickly stands up from his seated position. I think he never realised that the doctor came out already.

"I am, what happen she is fine nah? I've already lost her I can't lose Noor too. " Azaan asks. Whose her? Is he talking about his wife as in Noor mother. How lucky she is. She shouldn't have left him. I'm sure there had to be a small misunderstanding which she never took well. Honestly talking in a relationship is the most important.

"Please control yourself sir, we are doing our best. We have given her the blood she needed but she isn't out of danger. If she doesn't wake up in the next 24 hours I'm afraid to say that we   may lose her or she may go into coma. I'm also afraid to say this but some people never wake up from coma. I'll advise you to keep hope and make dua (pray). You seem religious, Allah never let's his believers down." patting Azaan on the shoulders the doctor leaves the room.

After the doctor leaves Azaan first goes to the Salaat room and I follow behind. There is a divider where Azaan sits in the men section and I sit in the female section. I performs two rakaats salaat-tu-Hajad. It is performed when in need of urgent help from Allah and when it isn't time for Tahajud Salaat.

"Ya Allah (swt) please bestow Noor life upon her. She is ill please cure. Help her. I don't why but lately I see Fatima so much in Noor. I want to hate Fatima so much but I'm only pretending to hate her for so long. I don't know why but my heart refuses to hate her. My stupid heart still wants to believe that she had a very good reason to betray me. Ya Allah what if all this is true. What if I was wrong about her?" no, no Layla you can't think about that idiot Fatima. Noor needs your dua.

Yes it's time to make dua for Noor not question Fatima betrayal. I continue my dua for Noor saying Ameen I stand up again and move to Noor ICU room.

Yes she is now place in the ICU room while we wait for her to wake up.

"Azaan she will wake up. I think we should go in and maybe talk to her. She might respond to our words. "

"Yeah, I finished my duas before you two and went to meet the doctor he said we could try talking to her and maybe she will wake up. However it isn't Sciencticly proven. He said his has experienced such miracles happening." Salman says caming towards us.

I wait outside while Azaan slowly enters inside.

Narrator Pov

Azaan walks inside the ICU room where Noor is being kept. He pulls a chair and sits down.

"Noor baby, do you really want to leave me the way your mommy left me. Noor you can't do this to daddy." he cries our in pain.

Unknown to him Layla was standing at the door. Tears rolled down her eyes. Her heart is so soft that it will pain for ever a stranger pain.

But this pain and fear that she is feeling towards Noor refuses to go away. Like Noor is a part of her, the same way she once used to feel for Fatima. She somehow doesn't want to leave her alone and she can't bare the sadness inside it like a part of her is going away.

She couldn't stand there any longer and ran outside the hospital while sobbing.

Azaan was so immersed in talking with Noor that he never noticed her. Salman was also not present at the moment as he had left to use the washroom.

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