Chapter 12. || New place, new plans

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[8 PM]

You sighed as you got off the bus and had to follow the row of patients into the new sanitarium. There weren't that many to your surprise. You walked inside and a guard walked towards you. He confusedly stared at your mask "What's with the mask newbie?" The guard asked while he grabbed ahold of your chains and started to walk you towards your room. You looked at him with an uninterested gaze as the guard lightly chuckled. "Hmm, not quite the talker huh?" The guard said as the both of you walked through the hallway. "That's fine, most patients are like that when they first come here, I guess it's normal." He added while he opened the door of your new room and you walked inside. "Either way, enjoy ur stay." The man said slightly sarcastically after uncuffing you. As you heard him, you rolled your eyes in annoyance and turned around. What a pain in the ass.

You looked around, sadly it wasn't that big of a room or well... At least, not like the room you had in Smith's Grove, it was much smaller... Your hands moved towards your mask. You carefully took it off and placed it down on a cabinet. As you looked at it and sadness filled your mind all over again as you thought of Michael. You had to get out of here, you had to go back to him.

But how?

You walked over to your bed and lay down with a sigh leaving your lips. There was no way you could just run out of your room and kill some guards in order for you to escape... Especially now, you're a new patient, they'll keep an extra eye on you since they don't know all that much about you or your behaviour yet. Loomis did tell you that you'd get out of here in no time if you'd just... Cooperate. But then you paused for a second, and it was like all the thoughts swarming your mind went quiet in an instant.

I just have to cooperate, that's it... 

You spoke to yourself as a look of slight disbelief was planted onto your face. So that's what you were planning to do, show your 'best side' to them so they'll just think you weren't as crazy as people said you were. 

After they start to believe you and hopefully go a little easier on you, reduce your security and all... You'll be able to escape... At least, that's what you hoped to do. You weren't sure if your so-called plan would work, they know you killed people and they probably have been informed about your latest incident too, you weren't sure if Loomis still thought Michael did it or if you did but one thing you knew for sure is that they were obviously keeping an eye on you. New or not, you were in here for a reason

. . .

[2 hours later]

A guard led you through the hallway, towards your new psychiatrist's office, while walking through the hallway you looked around for any doors, windows or just anything you could use as an escape route. As your eyes kept moving around, taking in every inch of the place, the guard suddenly spoke. "Here we are" The guard said and walked you inside. You sat down and innocently looked at the man in front of you, your new psychiatrist.

It was a man, not too old not too young, he was probably just a few years younger than Loomis. "Ah miss [Y/N] [L/N], it's delightful meeting you, my name is Sinclair McTavish known as Doctor McTavish. How are you feeling today here in this new sanitarium?" The man said with a warm smile on his face. "I'm doing well doctor." You lied with a small smile on your face. "That's excellent, do you mind telling me why?" McTavish said. "Well... I'm just quite happy that I've been transported here, I feel like this is a much better place than Smith's Grove." You said, of course, you didn't feel like that, you'd rather be there than be here. You were all alone, without Michael by your side.
"Really? Why's that?" The man said with a surprised yet friendly tone. "Well I just feel like this sanitarium is just better, by the things I've been told I feel like this would be a good opportunity for me to start over and actually take the time to heal and- and help myself become better in a place I actually feel safe." You quickly lied again, while giving the man a small smile.

The doctor wrote something in his notepad with a smile "Well alright then [Y/N], I'm glad you're already enjoying your stay here. I really hope I'll be able to help you find peace in your mind, I'll promise you I'll do my best to help you in any way possible." The man said happily while you nodded. "Oh and before I forget, most of the patients in here like to do things in their free time, to cure their boredom, I assume they did that in Smith's Grove too. Would you perhaps like some books or anything?" The man said. "Yes, I'd like some books, I prefer books that have quite a bit of a thrill and if you mind, could I also get some paper and some pencils?" You asked.

"Of course, I'll send a guard over to your room tonight to bring it after giving you your pills." The doctor spoke. "My pills?" You asked raising one brow, "Yes [Y/N], we give our patients some-- particular pills that calm their minds before they go to sleep. It works very well so I'd advise you to actually take them, trust me you'll be able to sleep as peacefully as ever." McTavish replied with a small smile before closing his notebook. "So if that's all for now, you can go to your room. You can always call out for a guard if there is any problem, they're always right outside your door." He added and you nodded while a guard walked over to you. "Have a good night." 

. . .

You laid in bed again. It was 11.00 Pm. You didn't think about anything else but Michael, you wondered how he was doing.

The door suddenly opened and you turned your head to look towards it and saw two guards standing in the doorframe, one with a cup of water and some pills while the other was holding a bag. "Time for your pills newbie." The guard said. As he called you that, you suddenly remembered him, it was the guard who led you towards your room, the pain in the ass. You nodded as your eyes moved to the other guard. "You can put my stuff on the desk." You told the other guard as you grabbed the pills and put them in your mouth, you hesitated for a second, McTavish was acting kind of off when he was talking about the pills... 

You grabbed the water and drank it. "I'm done, thank you." You mumbled while the guards nodded and walked out of the door.

As you heard their footsteps fade away you quickly spit out the pills and threw them in the trashcan next to your desk. You didn't trust anyone or anything, what if it was some kind of drug? You first wanted to do a little research about the pills before you decided to take them, perhaps you could ask another patient?.. You just found it slightly strange that the patients had to take these pills, was that even allowed? They never gave you any pills in Smith's Grove... You shook your head, trying to stop yourself from overthinking too much about it. You needed rest.. So with that, you decided to go to sleep...

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