Chapter 10. || tough talk

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The next day you woke up.

Your eyes slowly opened as the morning light coming out of the small window lit up the room. A deep breath left your lips as you slowly turned around to look at the ceiling... It's probably the last day you'll be looking at this ceiling. It's the ceiling you stared at as you just sank into your thoughts over, again and again, every day, you remember how looking at this ceiling, staring as thoughts rushed through your mind just sucked all your sanity out of you. As you stared at it the whole night just thinking.. 

Today was the day you were going to be moved to another sanitarium... You didn't know what to think of it, your mind was just full of all these thoughts and emotions that you just... You didn't know what to think or to do anymore... Maybe it was indeed better for you, perhaps it actually had better staff and people who would be able to help you, a psychiatrist that would actually listen to you and help you?... But you couldn't stop thinking about Michael. He was probably the only friend you had left after your murders... You had to leave your friend all alone, again.

A deep sigh left your lips.

You knew you liked him more than a friend, you had always known that. It started when you were younger, when you first met and you spoke for the first time, you just instantly started to like him. You found it weird to like such a strange boy at first, a boy you hardly spoke to and someone who didn't have any friends and was labelled as a freak... Most people found him weird. But you didn't for some reason... You didn't see him as a freak or just some weird edgy boy. He brought you comfort whenever he smiled, even if he barely did. And you just... Related to him and in a strange way. Maybe it's because he wasn't that very different from you, maybe because you could see yourself in him. He was a quiet boy, a boy with barely any friends... or well--no friends.. He was a boy seen as an outcast, a freak. A boy coming from an unstable family, having an alcoholic stepfather and an unhappy mother all while he still tried to keep himself together... You were like that too. And just like him, that was also one of the many reasons the both of you turned out this way. It's just that Michael snapped at 10 and you did at 18 and you didn't even blame him for it, because you knew how hard it was for him too, besides, he had more things to deal with than you. 

 But even now, after you both turned into "unstable killers" you loved him just the way you did when you were younger. You admired him even, and once again found comfort in him in your own twisted way. And especially now, after your friendship had become much better than it was before and the both of you seemed to care for and trust each other.

You didn't want to leave him, not after building this whole friendship, that friendship you had always wanted so badly.

The door suddenly opened, and the slight noise the door made caused you to wake up from your thoughts. You turned your head around to look at the door as you slowly sat up. 2 guards were standing at the door, Ismael and an older guard whose name was not known to you. The other guy entered your room for a second and spoke, "Get up, breakfast in 5 minutes." He said as you sighed and got up to get dressed.

. . .

You walked into the cafeteria and quickly scanned the room for Michael. You looked around in confusion, looking at every table in the hope you'd see him sitting on one, but you couldn't find him anywhere. 

As the guards walked you over to your table you sat down while Ismael went to get your food and the other stood close to your table. After looking around one more time in search for Michael, you looked up at the man. "Where is Michael Myers?" You asked him. "Not here." The man replied as he looked back at you and you rolled your eyes. "I can see that, that's why I'm asking, asshole." You replied, irritated by the dumb response he gave you. "Listen here kid, you better watch that mouth before I'll make these last hours for you in here total hell." The guard said with annoyance as you tilted your head slightly.

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