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The timer dings after what feels like an eternity later, and Dahlia couldn't be more relieved that this spa day is finally done and over with. She's just ready to leave, and never think about this or the things she was feeling ever again.

"Woman to woman, you guys are awesome," Jenna laughs, tying her bikini in the back before giving them fist bumps. Dahlia still wants to die.

"Thanks, guys, that really was great," she laughs nervously, walking over to grab her robe, and then toss Jenna's at her.

They walk back through the giant maze-like building and find their dressing rooms, putting their real clothes back on finally.

"That was crazy," Jenna laughs, pulling her shirt on over her head. Dahlia doesn't say anything (mostly because she can't) and she's just ashamed of herself. She hates her, but even she can't deny the physical attraction she has to her. And it's driving her crazy. "How did you like it?"

"It was nice," Dahlia nods, finishing getting dressed and waiting for her. She stops and looks at her, narrowing her eyes.

"Oh, so now the biggest rambling idiot in the whole world can only manage to spit out three syllables?" Jenna fully turns then, crossing her arms. "Is this about the talk of the libido in there? Because that's a perfectly natural thing, you know."

"No, it's not about that," Dahlia replies, rolling her eyes. Lie. "I'm just...tired."

"Good, because your uncomfortability in that still wouldn't make up for the multiple boners you've had on this trip," she shakes her head, pushing the door open.

Okay, she hates her again.

Dahlia trails behind her while she leads the way once again. They go in the spa's products shop, and Jenna ends up purchasing a face mask and moisturizer and adds it to her aunt's ever-growing tab, before they finally get to leave.

"I feel like a new person," Jenna sighs, sliding into the back of the rental car. "That was so relaxing."

"Yeah, it was," Dahlia nods, but she's actually incredibly tense and not relaxed whatsoever. She feels Jenna glaring at her, but she just turns her head and stares out the window, trying to ignore her.

She can't even figure out why she's acting like such a jerk to her, but she can't stop. She's just embarrassed about how she was feeling, and she doesn't know how to react to it, so it comes out in anger towards her like she's a nine year old that has no idea how to deal with is feelings.

Not that she has feelings for her or anything; it was just an example.

"Let's go get dressed," Jenna tells her and opens her door as soon as the driver parks, and Dahlia takes in a long, deep breath, before getting out herself. She feels too guilty and awful to even fake to be happy right now, and she knows this is one of the times Jenna needs her to fake it the most since she's about to meet her siblings, too. She knows she has to force herself to do what she came here to do.

Dahlia walks behind her, and she can hear people talking in some of the bungalows as they pass. She's pretty sure her siblings are awake now.

"Just to let you know, Aaliyah is sort of...a flirt. With everyone; guys, girls, people with boyfriends, people with girlfriends. Everyone." Jenna sighs, walking out of the bathroom after changing into a pair of jean shorts and a t-shirt. "So don't be surprised when-not if -she tries something with you. Because she will."

"Her own sister's girlfriend?" dahlia asks, confused.

"Yeah, she even pulled something on Mia's boyfriend a few years ago," Jenna tells her, shaking her head. "There was a huge fight-it was bad. And obviously I believe in women's sexual liberation and that they can dress and have sex with anyone they want any time they want, but it gets fucked up when she purposely becomes a homewrecker just because she can."

- Hawaii lust - Jenna Ortegaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن