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She opens the door and they walk in, and are immediately hit with a wave of heat. It's tolerable, though, since it was sort of chilly in the spa rooms anyway, so it's fine now.

They both set their food and water down on the bench that surrounds the square room, before taking their robes off and laying it beside them. And then they eat.

"God, that's refreshing," Dahlia takes a sip of her water, before looking down at the bottle. "This stuff would be nice to have in our country on those hot summer days."

"Yeah, but I doubt either of us could afford it," Jenna laughs, popping a few blueberries in her mouth. "It's...getting kind of hot in here."

"A little," she replies, feeling sweat threaten to make an appearance against her skin. "My face is so soft right now, though," Dahlia laughs, taking a bite from one of her strawberries. "Seriously, that stuff they used is magic."

"Yeah, it's crazy," Jenna nods, reaching up to touch her smooth skin, too. "And they always use some expensive-ass nail polish too; only comes off if you want it to."

"It looks a lot better on you, but I like it," she tilts her head as she looks down at her toes, smiling. Her mom would love this. She makes a mental note to tell her about it when she finally calls her.

"It suits you, Dahlia," Jenna tells her, shrugging.

They sit there for fifteen more minutes, and at this point Dahlia feels like she's dying. She's sweating profusely, her breath is heavy, and despite already drinking her full water bottle, she still feels dehydrated.

"God, I wish you weren't here so I could take this annoying bikini off," Jenna gulps, using her arm to sip the sweat from her forehead. "It's making this ten times worse and uncomfortable."

"You still could take it off if you wanted," Dahlia shrugs, trying not to crack a smile. "I'm sure I would get over it eventually."

"Yeah? Maybe I will then," Jenna shrugs, reaching behind her back. They're both looking at each other, and they're doing that thing where neither will break until the other does. Dahlia hates it, too, because it's always her that gives in first.

She's reaching her hand around her back to untie, not giving in.

"Fine! Fine," Dahlia breathes out, leaning back against the wall. She laughs, eating her last two blueberries carelessly. "Would you have actually done it if I hadn't stopped you?"

"Of course I would," Jenna shrugs, shutting her eyes and trying to relax. Dahlia really doubts that, but she doesn't press the matter any further.

"Can't we just get out now? I mean, the lady said we could if we wanted, right?" She groans, using her robe to dab the sweat from her chest.

"We have ten minutes left, Dahlia-we can do it."

And they do, but they're completely miserable for the rest of those achingly-slow ten minutes.

"Thank god," Dahlia groans, finally breathing in cool, fresh air. Jenna's leaning against the wall chugging another bottle of water, trying to rehydrate.

"Good session?" the worker from earlier peaks in, smiling.

"It did it's job, that's for sure," Jenna laughs, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand.

"Great! You guys look worn out, so that means it's theperfect time for that romantic couples massage, yeah?" she smiles, and Dahlia rubs the back of her neck uncomfortably. "Feel free to shower off, and then you can step through that door right there to your left for your last treatment."

"Thank you," Dahlia and Jenna both reply in unison, smiling as she quietly shuts the door.

So they take turns showering off then, in a shower room in the corner. Jenna's already wearing a bathing suit so she doesn't care if the door's open, but Dahlia makes sure to close it on her turn since she has to actually get naked.

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