√chapter fourty one

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Zainab's POV

The birthday party of Zara's daughter went well. The little girl had turned two and she just seemed like a smaller version of her mother. Talking about Zara, she had gotten more beautiful now. And as it was in the past, she and Armaan looked perfect together. As someone who was made for another.

I hugged her and then wished her cute daughter a birthday. Time passed so quickly and it seemed like yesterday when we used to study together. We used to have so much fun together at the university. After Shaiq was gone, I and Zara became really friends, forgetting every happening of the past. And I think it was for the best. Now as we were seeing each other after many years, so we both were a surprise to each other.

"Zainab, how are you?" Zara asked with a smile.

"I am good. What about you?" I questioned back, responding back with a smile.

"I am also doing well. You guys should have a seat then we'll have the cake-cutting ceremony in a while," she mumbled.

I nodded and that was the time I really enjoyed. We met many mutual university friends of us. As far as Armaan was concerned, we just greeted each other and that was all. Neither he nor I wanted to do more than this and I was thankful that we both shared the same thoughts.

"Zara, I am so happy to see you happy." As I and she were alone after the ceremony ended, I confessed. Armaan and Shaiq had gone out for their talks so we were alone here with her two kids.

She glowed in understanding as to what I was referring to. "I feel so good seeing you and Shaiq together by the way. I always envied your guy's friendship since I never got any friends before I met you guys."

"Can I ask you one thing?" She seemed reluctant.

"Why need to ask? Just go on," I slightly laughed.

"You and Shaiq. Are you guys happy now?" I quickly understood what she meant by this.

What had been going on between me and Shaiq must have been known to her a bit. She was well aware I didn't like the fact that Shaiq married me to protect me. And then when suddenly he left for abroad. Then of course seeing us like this when she already had two children.

"We are very happy together," I said, truthfully.

Zara smiled satisfactorily and held my hand. "I am glad to hear that."

"By the way, your son seems like a troublemaker to me," I chuckled, looking at her five years old son who was running in circles around his mother's chair. Sometimes he grabbed her dupatta and started nibbling it.

Zara's eyes followed my lead and she grinned. "True that."

We talked about random kinds of stuff like that for a while. "Zainab, I want us to meet like this often. I want to resume our friendship." Before it was time of leaving, Zara stated.

"Why not? I also want the same," I mumbled. And with this, I got another friend of mine back.


That weather was very nice today. A cold and pleasant breeze was swaying around, making the overall atmosphere so beautiful. The moonlight was adorning the sky and small stars were glistening. The sea was looking like a diamond with the moon above it and its waves were running every second with a majestic sound. The sand in our feet was tingling but felt amazing.

We were now at the seaside in the night, enjoying the spectacular scenery. I had encircled my hand around Shaiq's arm as we were roaming around.

"I love it so much," I confessed, as now we were sitting on the sand, and the sea was in front of us now. I picked up sand in my hand and then let it drop off my fist slowly.

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