21. Circle

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Hailey Aspen-

I nodded, finishing my last paper till after Christmas break so I'd have the next month off of school since my semester classes were done early.

I had picked up this months birth control from the pharmacy, taking the first pill in the pack.

It was systematic, I never forgot to take it, it was always on my mind when I woke up.

I'd been taking it since 15, I would throw up due to my cramps and it was just hell, but I was grateful that was all over with especially in high school because that shit sucks.

I drove to Jimmy John's planning on getting myself a sub but I thought of Travis and thought maybe he'd want something.

Me: Do you want a sun from Jimmy John's?
Travis: I'll be in class for a bit.
Me: Fridges exist.
Travis: I'll take whatever you get, thank you<3

I hummed, ordering the same thing I got.

Vito, light lettuce, Mayo, and mustard.

Oof. A lot of people don't like those.

He'll cope.

I got the sandwiches and drove home to see my brother and Connor in my dorm.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Ugh I've missed you. And your boyfriend." Hudson hugged me and I laughed.

"Well you should call Carmen and invite him to the party. Travis has about 45 minutes left in his lecture." I took his sub out and put it in my little fridge as I began eating mine.

"Done." He nodded.

"How was your thanksgiving?" I asked.

"Disappointing. Yours?" He asked.

"Papers." I nodded.

"Tell me about Travis. I wanna hear it from you." Connor patted the floor across from them and I sat down.

"Well, you probably know about the first date, but we kissed." I was slightly embarrassed to tell that to them.

"You stole his first kiss? Was it good?" Hudson grinned like an idiot.

"Really good. I swear he'd done it before. But he hasn't." I shrugged, taking another bite.

"How about you? Anyone cute?" I asked both of them.

"Can I be honest? And you not open your mouth?" Hudson lowered his voice.

"Duh." I nodded.

"I believe Carmen is pretty cute." He told me and I smiled.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Believe? Dude you've been gushing over his face for days." Connor laughed, taking my sandwich from me and eating some of it.

"Seriously? Bro you haven't gushed since Grace in highschool." I smiled.

He was bi. But he'd never actually had an opportunity with a guy. This was really good.

"I know but I don't know how that would work." He shook his head, Connor passing my sandwich to him.

"What do you mean? I can talk to Travis and see where his head is at." I shrugged.

"If we're gonna be in a band, and it's gonna work, I don't want to ruin it." He told me.

"Hudson, that man is gay. Not only that but gives your biceps the goo-goo eyes. I'm pretty sure it would work well." Connor nodded and I laughed.

The door opened and Carmen walked in with a 7-11 bag.

"Hey! Okay I brought a free for all, a few Redbulls, few Monsters, some chips and slim-Jim's, candy, all of it." He joined our circle and set the bag down.

"Awe you didn't have too." I stole a Monster and he laughed.

"Travis was able to sneak out early. He told me he was a pro with the fonts now." Carmen rolled his eyes.

I hummed, connecting my phone to my Alexa, playing my playlist.

We all just talked, talked about their future at being a band, what their genre could be but they all really wanted Travis' input.

I loved how easy this was, they all immediately got along, all immediately began talking and texting. This was good, the natural chemistry would get them far.

And it would only be a month till Travis was done with general ed.

Speaking of he came through the door, Carmen clapping and it just became an applause for his entrance as he bowed and I smiled.

"Thank you, thank you." He shut the door behind him.

"Sandwich in the fridge." I nodded.

"Wow, him but not us." Hudson shook his head.

"Oh zip it you always go out to eat before coming to see me." I rolled my eyes and he smiled.

"May I join the circle?" He asked and I scooted toward Carmen as he sat on the other side of me.

He kissed my hair and I smiled at him.

"So cute." Hudson leaned forward, squeezing my knee and I laughed.

We spent the night talking, binging candy, playing would you rather.

Until a measuring tape was wrapped around my wrist but I was told not to question it.

So I didn't.

I was grateful for these people. Incredibly.

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