4. Opportunity

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Travis Swanson-

"How was she?" Carm winked when I came into my apartment.

"She's really nice." I nodded.

"Is she all you hoped and dreamed for?" He batted his eyes, teasing me.

"You're obnoxious." I rolled my eyes, getting a bottle of water.

"What does she look like? I'll stop teasing about that stuff but I wanna know who's teaching you. I need something." He sat back on the couch.

I smiled.

"She's pretty." I admit.

"Like, what kind of pretty?" He asked.

"Like a girl you wouldn't refer to as hot or cute." I nodded.

"Like she falls under the pretty, beautiful, glowy type category?" He asked.

"Exactly." I agreed as I began making myself a snack.

"Hair color? Eyes? Any mind boggling features? I love pretty girls." He swooned and I laughed.

"She's very nice. Like there's never a bad thing in the world. Optimistic. Light brown hair, blue eyes, freckles." I nodded.

"Ooh so you got all that while you met her?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Oh so that's why you asked huh? What about the no teasing?" I jokingly scoffed.

"So is this actually only a tutor thing?" He walked into the kitchen where I was.

"Yeah. What else would there be? Look, Carm, I love you man but I've met the girl once to help me with homework. You need to calm down." I laughed.

"Mmhm. My senses are tingling. I know you." He eyed me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I squinted.

"Your a nice guy. She's a nice girl. Natural chemistry." He crossed his arms, leaning on the counter.

"Oh my god. Can you not?" I asked.

"Let me have this!" He whined.

"Just-just don't go around saying shit because she's my tutor and I literally spent an hour with her. That's it." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Secret safe." He faked the zip and lock motion.

"There's no- okay. I'm gonna eat and nap. You're a headache sometimes." I walked past him.

"Don't hate me cause you ain't me!" He yelled as I walked down the hall and to my room making me laugh.


I woke up from my nap, seeing that the active snowing stopped, but remained heavily against the ground.

I sat at my desk, pushing out my rolling chair as I grabbed my acoustic guitar.

I didn't know what to play as I began strumming random notes.

I shut my eyes, using muscle memory to play an old One Direction song I liked growing up. 18 by them.

It was beautifully done, I strummed, humming the vocals to myself.

I got startled when my phone began buzzing.

I turned to it, seeing a text.

Hailey: I apologize for the spontaneous text, and unprofessional text as well but I have 2 friends that are visiting from a university 2 hours away, they both attend music school and they want a band as well? Let me know if you'd like to meet them or whatever, if not totally understandable.

I blinked, walking to Carmen's room.

"Carm." I looked at him after opening his door.

"Yeah?" He didn't look at me as he was into his game.

"Hailey texted and-"

"You had me at Hailey." He replied, turning to me and I laughed.

"She said she had 2 friends who are attending the New York school of music and they're also wanting to be a band. If you're up to it?" I asked and he laughed.

"Wait- what about school for you? Us three are already studying music." He tilted his head.

"Doesn't mean we can't make music." I shrugged.

"True. True. I'm so down." He stood from his gaming chair, walking over to me.

Me: We'd love that, when and where would we meet them?

Hailey: They're at my dorm now, I can have them stop by or you can come see them?

"Uhm we're going over there because I need to see her." Carm stared me down.

I laughed.


Me: Would you mind if we went over there? And what time?

Hailey: Totally fine, and whenever you want, they'll be here a while.

Me: Mind if it's in the next hour? We can bring a pizza or something.

"Such a gentleman." Carm winked.

"Can you not?" I glared.

Hailey: That would be amazing. I'll send you my location.
*1 attachment*

I got ready, grabbing my things as I waited for Carmen.

"I wonder if they're dudes or what." He came out, pulling his shoes on.

"We'll see." I shrugged.

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