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Error of my life, the code which wasnt fixed,
Art of my life, left un-exist,
Happiness in my life, which was forever unsent,
Then she came, to lift the pain off my chest,
We talked for days, and every emotion got mixed,
Suddenly a day came with a song in it,
We both listened to it,
Enjoyed it,
Made fun of it,
Then it happened,

I got busy with my life and you waited,
I kept bailing out, you saw it,
You ran out of tempor, I couldn't see it,
We both fought, for every instance we got,
Then finally we ran out of what we both held for so long,
In one day,
I lost it all,
The story doesn't end here, it was a lot,
But let just say, it was a big mistake or a misunderstanding for all,
I am sorry for my part if that resolves anything at all.

Ps: I wrote it a long time ago, didn't had enough courage to post it... But now i think i can.

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