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The next day came and you found yourself walking down the street with Caitlyn

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The next day came and you found yourself walking down the street with Caitlyn. You looked down, fixing your shirt with the other hand, as it exposed too much skin. Strands of your hair flew with the gentle breeze.

"I can't believe he died! They made sure of it this time," you whispered in disbelief.

"Yeah. Even minced him up," Caitlyn said and you stopped munching on your apple.

"Okay, gross."

She giggled as she stopped at her house but that feeling of someone watching you stabbed you in the back. You turned around, searching for that person but found no one so you shook it off.

"Caitlyn," you started, not knowing how she was going to react.


You swallowed hard. "If Michael Myers set his eyes on you and wasn't ever going to kill you but protect you. Would you take him? Like, would you fuck him?"

You felt the criticism coming but then there was a sparkle in her eyes. "Hmm. Serial killer loving me? Maybe he is the only person who loves me so I'd ride him all night, baby."

You felt jealousy creep inside of you, even if it was a sliver. "Anyways, what you're doing for Halloween?" you asked, changing the subject.

She bit her nails. " Partying, what else? What about you?"

You haven't decided yet, but partying did sound like a good idea, as long as you came home on time. "I heard Richard's having a party. I guess I'll go tomorrow," you answered while shrugging your shoulders.

You didn't think of what you were going to wear but dressing up as a hot skeleton, did sound good.

"I'm going to go home now. Bye," you waved at her before walking straight to your house. she only lived a few houses from you anyway.

While you walked, a car stopped in front of you, a boy jumping out.


The dumb fucker who couldn't leave you alone.

You rolled your eyes, ready for whatever disgusting thing he had to say.

And just like that, he bounced and walked towards you, you could smell his ego from so far. His friends stayed in the vehicle.

"What's up, baby?" he asked as he slid a hand around your neck.

You started to walk faster. "What do you want, Nick?"

"I want you. A sexy thing like you undressed underneath me while you suck my dick clean."

You closed your eyes in frustration. "Leave me alone."

He twisted you around to face him, his patience slimmer than before.

"Listen, y/n. I will fuck you. Be it sooner or later, I will fuck you hard and it will be painful for you" seething, he pressed your arm harder.

You tried to break free, tears threatening to spill but you held them in. Just when you pulled your hand free, you tripped, falling backwards, his friends mocking you with laughter.

You swear you heard a branch break so you twisted your head, just in time to see a shape move behind the trees.

"See you soon, baby!" Nick shouted before driving off. You bit back your anger and stood up, dusting yourself off.

You could kill him. You felt like murdering him but you knew it was a petty feeling. It was getting dark so you headed home. Banging the door shut, your mother stood in the kitchen, concern spreading throughout her face.

"Y/n, are you okay? Did someone fight with you?"

"No, I'm fine" you muttered, storming up to your room.

"Well, I just wanted to say that I won't be home tomorrow."

Great! Dad's on a business trip and mom won't be home tomorrow. It was the greatest day, you thought. Well, it was an awful day before this awesome news, to say the least. You could drink all you want, party till late, and maybe, just maybe make out with a boy. Oh, you prayed there would be a hot guy who was your type.

Justin. Oh, he was your crush for four years now and hopefully, he will be yours forever.

You stopped on the stairs, thinking about all of these stuff.

"Oh okay, cool," you tried to keep your voice even but the adrenaline rush was too much so you ran up the remaining stairs, jumped down on your bed, and rang Caitlyn.

"Hey, what's up?" her voice came from the other end of the call.

"I've changed my mind. I think I'm going to dress as a little devil. I already have the small red horns," you said while kicking your legs back and forth.

"You're going to be wearing that opened dress. Wouldn't your mom be pissed?"

You gave yourself a devilish smile. "Mom's not gonna be here!"

You heard happy yelling coming from the other side of the phone.

"Okay, let me tell you about what I'm wearing," she started.

After talking for hours, you cut the call, had a shower, and hopped in your bed, falling into deep slumber when suddenly you heard a noise coming from downstairs.

No, you watched too many horror movies and knew that it wouldn't be smart, so you stayed in bed.

It was so dark, except for moonlight that came from your window.

Little did you know that you shouldn't be afraid of what was downstairs, but of what was upstairs, behind you.

It was silent, except for the slow, heavy breathing behind you.

Cold fingers wrapped around your neck as you turned just in time to see him.

Michael Myers. He wore a Halloween mask. Not the monster masks, no. It was a large, full-head rubber mask, warped with the features of a man. He wore the same blue jumpsuit with blood covering both his hands.

He had dark pits for eyes and he had smelled your fear. Feeding on it, he heaved the knife firmly in his left hand. Oh, Michael Myers fed on fear and death, the only thing that makes him stronger and more powerful.

He showed no mercy, no, not even the slightest as his knife glinted in the moonlight, he brought it down, stabbing you in the chest.

You screamed, your eyes opened wide as you sat on your bed, trying to bring your breathing back to normal. Thank God, you thought as you analyzed your room and realized it was only a dream.

A dream like that on the morning of Halloween could not be good news so you shuddered, pulled out your shirt as it was drenched in sweat, and hoped that it stayed a dream and nothing more.

Michael Myers was a fictional character, nothing more and nothing less.

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