12. Before

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It's  been a few weeks since I moved into the penthouse. It was certainly different from living with my mother and Leah. I had my own privacy, could go out whenever I wanted, not that. . .  I ever did. Where would I go?

It was modern, all large windows and walls, two bedrooms and a closet that was big but half empty. I didn't know what to do concerning that. It would be much more prettier if I bought flowers and put the around the penthouse, so it would look more like mine.

Rather than think about how bland my house looked like, I got out of the bed and made my way to the bathroom, taking off my nightgown and tossing it in the laundry basket. I brushed, showered, washed my hair and once I was done, I stepped out and blow dried my hair. I needed to do that first because if it air-drys my curls tend to fly everywhere.

For work, I decided to wear a baby blue button up shirt tucked into a black pencil skirt and grabbed my bag, making sure my phone and wallet would be in it. I made my way out of my building and into the elevator.

The drive to work was filled with music playing and me singing along to the best of my abilities. I pulled to a stop in front of a red light and watched as a couple walked in front of my car, hand in the hand and I let out a sigh.

I hadn't been in a relationship in so long and haven't been on a date in a while. Everyone I meet tend to not. . .fit the idea of who my dream man would be and the people Leah and Mum have set me up with have been uptight and rude. What  wouldn't give to have some romance in my life.

The lights change from red to green and I began to drive again. Once I got to my office, I pulled into the parking lot and got out, taking the elevator to my floor.  Once the elevator doors part, my secretary was already waiting with a large cup of coffee and a white bag.

"Good morning, Will." Debby greets as I step out and I smile at her. She has been working with me for three weeks and has been one of the best decisions I had ever made. She was a short, feisty woman with bright red curls to match her personality. She was almost always in pantsuit, hanging her ID card around her neck proudly.

I took a sip of my coffee as I walk into my office, setting my bag on the table as I took my seat. Debby dips her hand inside the white bag and bring out a big bowl that pancakes, eggs and bacon it.

"They're buttermilk pancakes." she said with a grin and I smile so brightly at her. Its what she deserves.

"You are so wonderful." I tell her. "Thank you so much." I added and she grins. She walked to the fridge I had in my office and took out the bottle of whipped cream I had and placed it on my table.

"Anything for my favourite boss."

"You might just be the new love of my life."

"And I would have been more flattered if you were straight or maybe female." She replied and I laughed and laughed. She had such a way with words.

Debby tells me my schedule for the day and I was pleased to find I only had one meeting this morning, the rest scheduled int he afternoon. I ask Debby to join me and she just waves me off.

"I am so glad it's Friday. I am so ready to let loose. Do you have any plans for this weekend?"

"I'm just gonna stay in. Maybe watch a series, I hear Game of thrones is nice." I said and Debby pulled a face, almost like she just sucked a lemon.

"No. I cannot accept this. With a face like yours, you should be outside. . . meeting people or letting people meet you." she said and I chuckled at her. "We are going out tonight. I don't care if you are my boss. I am taking you out."

"Debby. . . "

"You're not allowed to say no."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Fine."

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