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The words had come out of my mouth before I could stop them and now Harry was staring at me with this look on his face that I could not exactly place but then it settled on one that I know.


"What does your mother have to do with this?" Harry asked, his voice slow like he was trying hard to hold back his anger and it had affected his speech as well.

I sighed and reached for a glass of water, only to realize that I had none. Instead, I slid my hands off the table and settled it on my lap. I clasped them together as I gathered enough strength to speak about what had taken place a year ago. A whole fucking year ago. But I was done. Done.

"As you know, my mother was not a fan of our relationship and once she saw the collar on my neck, she didn't know what it stood for but she knew that it meant the relationship was serious and permanent and she could not stand it. She had people watch you, know and report to her about your every move and Harry, you were so close. You were about to open your own gallery. Something you had worked so hard for and she knew this too. So one night, she came to my office and threatened you. She already had emails constructed, numbers to call, all these fake information that these big-wigs would eat up because they trust her. Why would Shannon Bardot lie?"

I bit my lip as I raised my head, looking right at Harry.

"And you know my mother, she does not bluff. She would have done it. I was scared, scared for you. I could not let my family be the reason you could not achieve your dream. She would have had you blacklisted and Harry, you love art. You like finding hidden gems that others overlook and you also create stunning art pieces, I could not let her do that to you. So I had to do what I had to do." I said, eyes brimming with unshed tears. Tears that I hadn't even noticed were swirling their way to the top. "I am so sorry, Harry."

Harry clenched his finger, curling them into tight fists before releasing them and he was so angry. He looked so angry and it was all my fault. I could have done things differently. I should have.

The tears slipped out and I was so close to just openly crying. Harry sighed and got up from his seat. He settled down beside me and reached for my face with his hands. He wiped the tears away and I sniffed. I had his hands on my face again, after twelve months. Three hundred and something plus days.

"You should have told me. You should have talked to me."

"I know but I know you, Harry. You would have given it all up for me and I didn't want that."

"You are right. I would have given it all for you. Nothing was and is worth losing you for. You are the most and only important thing and person in my life, William." Harry said, he curled his finger around my hair and I let out a wet laugh. I missed him doing that to my hair.

"I am so sorry." I said and Harry nodded.

"I am sorry too."

"I promise, I didn't know you called. I had to change my phone after an argument with my mother, a couple of things were smashed and my phone was one of them. Leah got me a new phone and I guess she must have blocked your number or something." I said. The two of them had been so vocally against my relationship with Harry but I could not believe Leah would do something like this to me.

"I figured, after your reaction when I screamed it to you." Harry said and I sniffed again. I wanted to curl up in his arms and just rest, just lay there. But I couldn't do that. Not yet.

His Perfect Boy (DDLB) (ManxMan)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin