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(a/n: double-post this week!! if you haven't checked out the last chapter yet, make sure to do that before reading this one ^^)

"HEY HEY HEY!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" Jay shrieked.

Jake looked up at his same-aged friend and frowned. "What do you mean?? You told me to build a tower right here."

"No IDIOT I said build it over HERE!! Have you NO artistic creativity??" Jay glared at the sloppy misplaced tower the Aussie was building. 

Jake crossed his arms. "I told you I'm more of a math-and-science type of guy" he huffed. It didn't even look that bad in his eyes.

"Forget it. I'll do it myself. Go grab a sand shovel from Sunghoon and Ni-ki." Jay ordered.

"Why should I?? You're the one who needs it" Jake back-talked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Well you're not doing sh!t for us right now. Unless you want both of us to clean up after dinner later, the least you can do is help the person who's actually building." Jay retorted.

"Fine" Jake huffed again before flouncing off to where Sunghoon and Ni-ki were. 

After retrieving the shovel, Jake began to make his way back to Jay, grumbling to himself about how meticulous his same-aged friend was being. However, he stopped in his tracks when he spotted Heeseung crouched on the sand in the distance, working on a small sand castle by himself with a blank expression on his face. 

Jake frowned. The oldest had seemed absent-minded ever since they arrived, and the weird, indescribable look in his eyes when he had called Jake and Sunghoon to go film earlier really bothered the Aussie. Jake was about to go check on him before Jay yelled at him to hurry up.

He threw one last concerned glance at Heeseung before turning and making his way back to Jay. I hope he's okay

Timeskip: 6:04pm

All the members were huddled around a table enjoying their dinner. The team that had won beef earlier was seated on one side of the table, enjoying their prize while the others sat on the other side. There were plenty of side dishes on the table as well, and all the members were talking and having a good time. 

That is, until it became time to clean up. The staff had saved the results of the sand-castle building contest until after dinner to build up more excitement for the viewers, so none of the members knew who would be responsible for cleaning up their mess. They watched and listened attentively as a staff member began to speak. 

"First, we will announce the third and second place winners." she said as all the members hushed. 

"Third place is... Sunghoon and Ni-ki!!"

The two members cheered triumphantly and immediately stood up to hug each other, bouncing up and down. They didn't really care about their low ranking. They were just glad to not be the ones cleaning up.

"Second place is... Heeseung!!"

The oldest was visibly surprised. Despite being a one-man team, he had somehow managed to rank high and avoid cleaning up.

Blessings, Curses, & Confusion | HeeJake |Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя