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'One vanilla latte, one chocolate latte, and two croissants, please' Heeseung said to the cashier.


The pinkish-reddish haired boy turned to his side. Jake's arm was right up against his, their hands intertwined, and the younger was giving him a frown. 'Two croissants is too much. We can just share one.'

'One croissant for the both of us isn't filling enough.' the older said simply, turning back to swipe his card. Jake sighed. Heeseung is a very stubborn man.

They found a small table near the full-length windows of the café, admiring the bustling city around them. Jake pulled out his phone to snap a couple pictures. He didn't want to forget this location. After all, it would become the memory of his and Heeseung's first date.

They sat down and waited for a few minutes before a waiter appeared, carrying their order on a tray. One by one, the waiter set out Heeseung and Jake's drinks and croissants.

'Thank you' Heeseung nodded at the waiter.

'Thank you' Jake repeated, flashing the waiter a polite smile.

'My pleasure! If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to wake up.' the waiter said, bowing slightly at the two.

Jake blinked in confusion. 'Pardon?'

The waiter's friendly smile suddenly disappeared as he began to stare blankly at Jake. 'Wake up.'


"HEY IDIOT WAKE UP!!!" Jake suddenly heard someone yell before a large pillow slammed into his face.

"OW!! What the heck?!?" Jake yelped, throwing the pillow off himself in bewilderment. Then he realized he wasn't in a café at all. He was in his and Jay's room. It had all been a dream.

"Rise and shine, stupid. That's the third time I called you." Jay grumbled. So that's why the waiter's voice sounded so familiar.

The Aussie groaned groggily as he sat up, his blonde hair sticking out in all directions. "What time is it?"

"Time to wake your a$$ up. We have to leave in 15 minutes. Why are you so tired?"

Jake rubbed his eyes sleepily. After their late ramyeon session last night, Heeseung and Jake had gone back to their own rooms to sleep. However, instead of sleeping, Jake had spent most of the night smiling happily like a giddy teenager, replaying those lovely scenes in his head over and over again. He was so excited to finally be together with Heeseung that he had only gotten around four hours of sleep. But Jay didn't need to know that.

"I uh, had a stomach ache" the Aussie lied, hoping his roommate wouldn't question it too much.

"Figures. I didn't cook last night, so I wouldn't be surprised if you made some miserable attempt at food and poisoned yourself." Jay sassed.

Jake scoffed as he slipped out of bed. "No, I ate ramyeon, and everyone knows I cook the best ramyeon in this house."

"You wish, Aussie boy."

Blessings, Curses, & Confusion | HeeJake |Where stories live. Discover now