Another Timeskip

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The two boys from last time are now teens

Miles is 19

Ryan is 18

The two walk home from school

Miles:Things have been really peaceful since the whole homelander and StormFront thing


Just then an alert goes off on his phone

Ryan takes out his phone and gasps


Ryan:Multiple people where just charred alive...


Ryan:No my dads beams just go through you this was in the blink of an eye last thing a survivor saw was a yellow light

Miles:that doesn't sound good

Ryan:cmon let's check it out

Miles and Ryan zoom off

Miles and Ryan zoom off

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Titan:Lovin this suit

Titan:you had to go eye mask?

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Titan:you had to go eye mask?

BeastLander:Shut up cmon!

The two soar in the air

Bystander:Yeah this hobo looking guy he just let a weird ass explosion of light rip charring everything

Titan and Beast Lander land

Cops:Hey you two know what to make of this?

The two shake their heads

Cop:You wanna scour the area?

Titan nods and Walks around the sight

His eyes glow white he sees how events played out

Titan falls back

BeastLander:woah woah what is it?

Titan:no clue it was a someone with like a nuke inside them

Homelander lands infront of the two

Homelander:I'm sorry a nuke

Titans eyes glow red

Homelander:I'm here as an ally did you say Nuke?

Titan hesitates and nods

Homelander:he's back-

Titan:who is?

Homelander:Soldier Boy

Titan:Soldier Who?

In Vought

Worker At Vought: Soldier Boy grew up in the birthplace of American liberty. Born poor on the mean streets of South Philadelphia, he learned the values of hard work, tenacity and bravery. He used those values to prove America's exceptionalism to the world. He defended us against the encroaching Red Menace. He helped guide America into a brighter future, and along the way, he found the love of a good woman, which made his sacrifice all the more noble, when he gave his life saving us from a nuclear holocaust.

Titan:well he's back and he killed a fuck ton of people

Homelander is just frozen

Homelander:he's back-

Titan:we know how many died?

Worker:about 19

Titan:that's more then dahmer look whoever this is we may have to put him in a box

Homelander laughs

Titan:what is so funny?

Homelander:Soldier Boy is pretty much stronger then two definitely don't have a chance

Titan:bitch please we have to find him and see what's up

Worker:I can try tracking the power released from his explosion link it to him

Titan:do dat

Titan and BeastLander stand near a door about to bust it down but are stopped by Kimiko

Titan:Mam do you own this pl-

She punched him breaking her hand

Titan:was that smart Mam?

Kimiko shakes her hand as it's already healed


Kimiko and the boys engage in combat Kimiko having the edge in skill

She kicked Titan so catches her foot

She smirks and uses her other foot to kick him and Ryan


Titan uppercuts her through the door

They walk into the place and see the boys

Titan:he left...shit *he looks down on kimiko* she with y'all?

The boys look at Kimiko then at Titan

Billy:Uhh...I guess so

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