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Val Zod walks around Mars

Val Zod looks around he quickly sneaks into a hut

Val Zod looks around he quickly sneaks into a hut

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Val Zod:My Ki' Ara


The two kiss

Ki'Ara:I have news my love

Val:what is that?

Ki'Ara moves her hands revealing a big stomach

Val:W-Were Expecting!!!


The two cheer and kiss

Faora watches from the glass and scoffs

She flies away

Faora:Lord Zod Val Zod is a traitor he's conceived a child with a Martian!

Zod:That traitor...I have an idea...once the son is born we kill the parents and mold him into our own A Kryptonian Martian Hybrid would be most useful

Faora:as you wish lord zod

1 year passes as Ki'Ara has birthed a hybrid

Faora:it's time my lord

Zod nods

Val Preps a pod

Ki'Ara:This will fit all of us right?

Val:it will and we can leave this place safely without being attacked by Zod

Zod:too late

Zod shoulder rams Val away

Zod:give me the child now


She holds the baby but is blasted by Faora making her drop him

Faora holds the baby and hands him to zod

Zod:Thank you for your cooperation-

Val blasts zod away

He then kicks Faora away

Val:stay away from my son!!!!!

Val and Zod engage in a fight

Ki'Ara quickly floats her baby into her hands thankfully he's uninjured

Before Faora stops her she makes a telekinetic wall to block Faora

She scoffs and delivers heavy punches

Ki'Ara turns around and puts the baby in the pod

Ki'Ara:You are one of a kind me and your father love you beyond comprehension

She puts her head on his head as her telekinetic shield shatters

The pod is sent flying across space

Faora:that was a mistake...

Ki'Ara:Only you where a mistake

The two women engage in a fight

In Space the pod is soaring through the vacuum at blinding speeds

On earth

Madelyn Stillwell looks at multiple bills past due and an eviction notice

She sighs knowing she's on her last leg

Madelyn has over 3 Billion dollars in the bank and doesn't wanna use it yet cause she has an idea for a business

Her Husband:Madelyn we need to use the life savings


Husband:we have no choice we're gonna lose the house!!

Madelyn:Shut up and let me think

Husband:I already have...I'm leaving

Madelyn:You're just gonna leave me?!

Husband:I can't live off an idea Madelyn goodbye!!!

He leaves

Just then a light passes over her house as the pod crashes in her backyard

Madelyn runs into her backyard

Madelyn:what the-

She sees a pod in a crater

Madelyn:oh dear god I have to call the cops

She hears crying


The pod opens revealing a green bald baby

Madelyn:Oh...Oh God-

Just then the baby crackles with red and turns darkskin and black haired baby's a baby-

She and The Baby lock eyes

She smiles and struggles into the crater

She picks up the baby and kisses it's head


Madelyn smiles at the baby

Madelyn:you may have changed my life baby...

she runs in with the baby

What If A Kryptonian/Martian Hybrid Was In The Boys?Where stories live. Discover now