ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟.🥷

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Only two more months, two more months remain before the season will be over. The tension within the house would build up so badly that it was suffocating most of the drivers. The championship between Max and Lewis was making it hard for anyone to not walk on eggshells around them.

Despite that the two of them were occasionally sitting up late into the night drinking beer. Chatting about whatever cane to their minds since the media and social platforms made huge deals out of this rivalry that it had transferred to the house, only Max and Lewis don't have a clue that it exits.

Since they had talked about the Silverstone crash, they didn't get any disagreements anymore but also they made each other the promise that whatever happens on track, stays no matter what, on track. That it's forgive, forget and move on.

But since of lately, did Max not feel all too well, his sudden change of mood had people get angry with him all the time. To the point that they believed that this was just his true character since he would get snappy and be a huge dick to everyone. As if his previous character hadn't existed to begin with.

It even reminded Kimi and Fernando of young Jos Verstappen that used to be racing with them. The flying temperament that would result in outraged, hateful arguments with the dutchman where insults and hurtful words would fly passed.

It would come in waves, one moment it would be entirely calm in a room but as soon as the young dutchman stepped in. Everything went down south, Max would come in and command with his anger the attention of everyone in the room.

He was throwing tantrum after tantrum and by the fifth day, not even Daniel could find an excuse for why Max was being such a dick to everyone. It at some point got on Charles his nerves, he didn't appreciate Max insulting him and getting snappy at him every time Charles spoke to Max. So Charles broke up with Max.

At some point Seb and Lewis had enough of Max being a huge asshole to everyone so they told Max to go outside and take a breather. Which Max did, he just never came back. Which at first no one was too worried about, Lewis even brushed it off with Max just probably needing it.

When dinner rolled around they did get worried a little, he hadn't come back for hours. So they rang his phone, to see if he was coming back or how far he was from the house. But when they realised that Max's phone was ringing on the kitchen counter, it spiked anxiety with some.

When night fell, Max hadn't come home nor did he let anyone of them know through anything that he was okay. Seb wanted to go search for the Dutchman but Lewis and Daniel stopped him from doing so. Saying that he would be back in his own time.

Charles tossed and turned all night, worried about where Max could be and why he hadn't come home just yet. In his mind he tried to find a hundred reasons why Max was acting the way he had done, why he had been such a dick to everyone.

Deep in the late night hours did Charles fall asleep, hoping that Max would come home and be at breakfast in the morning. Because being away till late was still okay in his mind to the point of midnight, past that did make Charles furious with him.

At breakfast Max hadn't come back either, they had checked all throughout the house. His phone still in the spot that it had been when they discovered it. His car keys still in the key basket while his room looked as clean as ever and nothing had been touched.

As the day goes on, nothing but radio silence on Max's end, he didn't come home, he didn't let anyone know if he even was alive and it made Seb and Charles ready to get in their cars to look for the dutchman. But something withheld them from doing so.

So when dinner rolled around, Max didn't show up either. The adults promised that if Max didn't come home tonight, that they would start searching for him since the adults had a play to go to.

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