Chapter Fourteen

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Warning: Highly explicit content in this chapter. Please read with caution.

Aurora kept asking Ryder what was going on, but he wouldn't tell her and seemed evasive all of a sudden as if he were hiding something from her.

It made her wonder what had been waiting for her upstairs, and most importantly, what was he up to this time.

Walking beside him, hand in hand, Ryder led her up the long wooden staircase, the floorboards beneath her feet, making loud creaking noises the longer, she ascended them, wishing they were upstairs already.

"Mind, the step, suga'," he said to her from behind, causing her to almost lose her balance and fall backwards. "Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself, now."

She grabbed onto Ryder's shirt, absentmindedly digging her nails into his chest once she looked down and scrutinized the area and noticed there had been a step missing.

"Forget to tell ya, there's a step missin'," he said, holding her back, with his arms fixed firmly around her waistline to keep her from taking the next step forward." Sorry, I have been meanin' to fix that."

Tentatively, minding the step, Aurora carried on as she was and continued to climb the staircase with him until they at last made it to his bedroom.

He didn't waste any time and locked the door behind him, his attention focused on her and nothing but her. He had this wild crazy, look in his eyes when he looked at her as if he were violating her without even touching her.

" W-what did you want to show me?" Aurora asked, backing away from Ryder the closer he inched toward her like she was so always accustomed to doing when she had been around him.

She watched him take something out of his closet and only once he came toward the light did she notice it was an engagement ring he was holding in his hands. Aurora felt the floor beneath her cave, as she was struck with the realization that he had been dead serious about this.

"Seein' as you gonna be my wife real soon, I figured it would be the right thing to do but to give you this," he said to her, while he slipped it on her finger, without permitting him to do so.

Aurora could tell that it was expensive, by how cumbersome it felt sitting on her finger.

Bringing herself to look at it eventually, she studied the ring on her small finger and noticed how the pear-shaped diamond glittered in the light of the room.

She wasn't an ostentatious kinda girl, who loved adorning herself in lavish jewellery, but she had to admit the ring was gorgeous and looked pretty on her dainty hand.

"I see it don't fit, so nice," Ryder pointed out, sounding disappointed, once he noticed it kept slipping down her finger all of the time.

" I will get the size adjusted for you," he insisted, taking the ring off her finger." They have a jewellery shop not too far from where we headin' tomorrow mornin'. I will take you there, so they can get it adjusted to a smaller fit for you. "

And with that, Ryder forgot all about the ring for now and put it back in his closet, right next to what looked like his sock draw, and tucked it neatly in between the folded socks.

As soon as he glanced back at her with that hungry look in his eyes, Aurora knew she was in for a world of trouble.

"Let's get to the good stuff, shall we?"

Aurora was aware she had to play her end of the game, by pretending to enjoy the sex with him from now on, but she needed more time to prepare. She wasn't ready for this.

"I have a headache," she complained, trying to take the easy way out. "I don't feel so good. Maybe I should lie down for a bit until I feel better."

"I got aspirin; you can take that," he proceeded to argue.

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