Chapter Three

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Aurora woke up in a strange room, feeling feverish and sluggish with no recollection of how she got there or where she was.

She noticed she had been stripped down to her undergarments, and her cell phone along with her belongings had been taken from her too.

She swallowed a scream at the realization of what this man could have done to her while she'd been out cold until the door was unlocked and begrudgingly pushed open.

Soon a distant thud of footsteps echoing across the floor followed, ricocheting in her ears, startling her.

Her heart clenched in her chest, knowing it was the man who had lured her into his truck. The man who crammed that awful, filthy rag in her mouth and brought her to this place against her will.

What was he going to do to me? she thought huddled in the corner, with her hands covering her face, terrified to even bring herself to look at him. It wasn't Bobby, so who the hell was this guy and what did he want with me?

Steeling herself for what he was about to do to her, Aurora held her breath and removed her hands away from her face, which shielded herself from him, fearing the worst.

She tried to stifle her tears, but there was no stopping them until she felt a warm hand reach out and lightly touch her on the shoulder blade, strangely settling her.

"Good Mornin', it's good to see you awake," he said in a silky, but calm voice she found almost comforting." Did you sleep well? I just made you breakfast, so I hope you're hungry."

He moved towards the light switch on the wall and before she even had time to prepare herself for what was about to come her way, he flicked it on.

Only once she was able to fully adjust her eyes to the newfound light, she squinted up at the man towering over her now and cowered in both fear and surprise when she realised how good-looking he was.

It made her wonder why he would have resorted to doing something like this to her when he could have easily had anyone he wanted.

He was tall, over six feet, with a chiselled jawline, scruffy dark brown hair, and gentle, hazel-coloured eyes. He had a lean, slightly athletic build that was hidden underneath the tweed brown jacket, blue and white check shirt, and black denim jeans he wore.

He had a pleasant-looking face and he seemed unassuming and soft-spoken; nothing at all like the big, scary man with tattoos she envisioned would walk through that door.

If Aurora could guess his age, she estimated him to be in his late twenties, but it wasn't Bobby and it angered her that he deceived her this way.

"Who are you?" she wailed out, growing increasingly frustrated the longer he just stood there, with his back turned to her, shutting her out as if she wasn't even there.

She was cowering in the corner, with a million and one different things racing through her mind, thinking of what he could do to her, now that he was standing in front of her.

"Why have you brought me here?"

Still, there had been no reply from the man. Before she could even dream of pushing past him and hightailing out of there, he returned with the breakfast tray just as he promised and set it down on the table.

"Why are you doing this to me?" she beseeched, determined to get a response from him, anything to keep herself from going insane." Please, just answer me."

Watching him spin around, Aurora shot back in fear when she felt his eyes burning on her, once he stopped and looked at her as if had been irritated she was covering herself up and interrogating him with questions.

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