🍂 Forty Four

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Despite the howling wind and freezing temperatures outside, under her blankets and nestled against Cliff, their bodies still warm from loving, Annie was more comfortable than ever before. The winter sunlight streamed in from behind her beige curtains, painting her room in shades of gold, as if her joy was radiating off of everything in sight.

"Morning," Cliff mumbled, and she realized they hadn't actually spoken yet since waking--they'd been busy with other forms of communication, she mused. With her head resting on his chest she could feel his voice as much as she could hear it, and it traveled through her like liquid.

"Morning," she sighed with a smile. She could hear the dreaminess in her own voice, the total bliss.

What wasn't there to be blissful about? Cliff loved her. He'd written her the world's most beautiful song. For once, the things she liked about her life outweighed the things she didn't. A cozy apartment to call home, wonderful friends, a job she enjoyed, a man she loved who loved her back. And to top it all off, a newfound confidence, and a promise to herself not to worry about all the things that used to bring her down.

He ran a hand over her hair. "You think we could stay like this all day? Or until Christmas?"

She laughed, and propped herself up so she could look at him. God, she loved looking at him. "I still have shopping to do."

He raised his eyebrows. "Tomorrow's Christmas Eve."

"I know, but... Well, there's one person I didn't get anything for yet." She blushed, shrugging. "In my defense, I wasn't exactly in the mood to get you anything at the time."

His lips quirked. "If that's all you'd be leaving bed for, I'm happy to take my present in the form of you staying right where you are."

She hummed, stretching out beside him. "That hardly seems like a selfless gift."

His fingers trailed up her spine, a feather light touch that made her shiver. Well, it couldn't hurt to stay in bed a little while longer, could it? The mall would still be open later. Or maybe she could find something in Red View...

"Annie?" Cliff's voice drew her from her thoughts. But his gaze was unfocused, trained on the ceiling. "I've been thinking... I mean... I don't want to be a jingle writer for the rest of my life. I never wanted to be one to begin with."

She studied him, trying to read where he was going. Did he want to try performing again? Maybe last night had gotten him over his fear of the stage, and his dream of being part of an orchestra was renewed.

"Do you think you'll go back to performing?" She kept her voice as neutral as she could manage, though there was no denying to herself that the thought made her ache a little. It was no doubt a busy lifestyle--one that would have him away from home more often than not. Away from her.

He made a non-committal sound. "No. I mean, playing every now and then at Tilted or the coffee house might not be so bad. I think I could get used to it someday. But career-wise... I don't know."

She mindlessly traced the scar on his collar bone with her fingertips. There was something he wasn't saying, and his downcast eyes and faint line between his brows made it obvious. "You can tell me."

He met her eyes and smiled, letting out a breath. "I've just... I've been thinking..." He shrugged, a blush creeping up his neck. "Maybe I'd try my hand at teaching piano. Tutoring, really, because I'd need to get a bachelor's degree if I wanted to be a music teacher at one of the schools. And for all I know, I might not even like it, or be good at it. But if I do, and I am, then maybe I could--"

She cut him off with a loud kiss, beaming with pride as she pulled away. "That's a wonderful idea. And I think you'd make an amazing teacher."

"You do?" The genuine surprise in his voice made her laugh.

Scars Like Ours | Red View Romance #2Where stories live. Discover now