🐈 Nineteen

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A few days later, Annie found herself driving to the orchard after a satisfying day of work, with Gabriela humming along to the radio in the passenger's seat. They were picking up Kenzie and Layla, then heading off for a shopping trip at the third-closest mall to Red View--the only one that would have something nightclub appropriate, according to Gabby.

Annie still hadn't talked to Adam yet. It was eating at her, but she hadn't been by the orchard in days, and didn't have his number to text or call. She could've asked around, or texted Kenzie to tell Adam the blind date was off, but it would be hard enough to explain to one person why she wanted to back out of it, let alone two. Not to mention, Kenzie was officially a supporter of the blind date--she'd been raving about how good it would be for Annie's confidence.

She just wanted to talk to Adam discreetly and tell him she wasn't up to it. If he pressed for a reason why, she'd just have to give non-answers about how she didn't want her first-ever date to be a setup.

"You know," Gabriela spoke as she flipped down the sun visor and opened the mirror, "I was thinking about it again last night, and I wonder if this blind date idea might not be such a bad thing."

Annie struggled to keep her eyes on the road instead of looking over at her friend like she'd gone mad. "You've been on me every day about getting out of it. Now while I'm on my way to get out of it, you change your mind?"

"Well, if Cliff sees you with another man it might make him realize he wants you. You'll be busy dancing and having a good time with Tomas, and Cliff's territorial instincts might kick in."

"Territorial instincts?" Annie repeated doubtfully.

"He'll get jealous. Realize what he's missing out on."

"I'm still getting out of it." She turned at the big wooden sign for McAden Orchard.

"Probably for the best. But you still won't let anyone try to give Cliff a clue that you're into him, so I can't be too happy."

Annie ignored the condescension. "Thanks for not telling Kenzie. I hate keeping it from her, but it'd just make things awkward if she knew. She'd either be uncomfortable, or want to tell Cliff."

"The second one, I think." Gabriela flipped the sun visor back up as Annie parked the car in front of the store. Customers were out in full force today, which she knew meant Cliff was likely nowhere around.

They hadn't seen each other since she'd hosted dinner. Did he still want pumpkin soup and to help her with her sink? The idea of having dinner alone with him in her apartment was enough to get her heart rate up. Sure, they'd been alone before, but only at the orchard where he could make up some excuse to leave at any moment. If she said something awkward or couldn't manage to make good conversation when he came over for dinner, there'd be no one around to break an uncomfortable silence and no way for him to bow out.

And in spite of all that, she found herself wanting it anyway. Something about Cliff made the awkward moments not feel so awkward. He didn't seem to mind when she rambled about herself, or even when she accidentally crossed that line the other day and led him into confessing how alone he'd really been for the past two years.

Gabby offered to walk up to the manor to get Kenzie and Layla while Annie talked to Adam, so she found herself walking into the store alone. Customers roamed the aisles, perusing the jars of apple butters and sauces, Dawson's boxed up pies and pasties, and barrels of fresh apples. The store always smelled like cinnamon and spice thanks to the baked goods and homemade candles that, even unlit, scented the air.

Adam looked up as he finished ringing up a stout man, and grinned when he met her eyes. "Couldn't help but say hi before leaving?"

She felt some of her nerves ease at his usual warmth. She smiled at the man as he passed, and he gave a friendly nod in return. "Something like that. I wanted to talk to you, actually."

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