Any Day But Tomorrow

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They all headed towards where they had heard the gunshots but when they finally got there the place was empty aside from the dead bodies lying on the ground,so they started investigating the crime by looking through the alley they searched for clues but found nothing so they decided that it would be best to take the people's bodies to the police station and while they were at I upt take blood samples who knows it might come in handy

"this night was a total bust" Dick whinned "yea it hasn't been anything but baaaaad" Jason complained

Tim sighed and face palmed "you guys are being such children"

"shut up nerd don't act like you aren't angry about this" Jason yelled and Tim huffed and crossed his arms with a pout on his face

Dick ran go Tim's side and hugged him from around his neck unknowingly suffocating Tim "Don't worry Timmy we still got the blood samples to test on" Dick said smiling and rocking back and forth while poor Tim was being chocked and unable to listen because his attention was to not dying

Dick hadn't realized something was up until Jason stared laughing and Damian was snickering with his finger up to his mouth Thule the other arm around his stomach while Jason had both his hands around his stomach and was laughing hysterically

"what's wrong why are you guys laughing?" Dick questioned then he heard a gasp for air and looked to Tim who was looking pale in the face "omg Timmy are you ok!?" Dick questioned still not letting while while Jason and Damian laughed like mad men watching as the scene unfolded

While Tim was trying his best to get Dicks arm away from him Dicks grip was just too deadly and strong around his neck so he tried to tell him what was happening but nothing came out of his mouth so he kept trying to Push Dicks hand away from him "Tim?" Dick said still unknowing of the Damage he was causing and at this point Damian and Jason were rolling on the floor laughing they were turning blue with the lack of air in their lungs

Tim continued to try and pull Dicks hand away from him until he finally got alittle strength and bit Dicks arm making Dick pull away "What the hell was that for" Dick yelled not he was not angry more like confused while Tim was finally experiencing the sweet sweet breath of air whole holding his neck and putting the other hand on his knees Tim looked up at Dick angerly and yelled "Are you trying to kill me!!" then he looked over to Damian and Jason who were still lying on the floor caughing because they laughed so much their throats became dry "And you two, you didn't even try and explain what was going on" Tim carried on making Damian and Jason fall back to the ground laughing they were definitely going to tease Tim about this "I-I-I'm so, s-so-sorry" Damian said between laughs "w-what h-he sa-id" Jason said while laughing and struggling to breath

And Tim huffed "whatever" Tim walked away leaving his two laughing brothers and one who is trying to get them to breath "come on guys breath you're gonna die if u carry on laughing like that" Dick cried out trying to get them to stop

"hey B what are you doing there?" Tim asked looming to the side of Bruce, Bruce looked up and met his sons gaze "just testing the blood samples" Bruce said and Tim raised and eyebrow "so what does it say?"

"well the blood has weird things in the cells which I can conclude is what killed them but well just have to wait and study more of this" Bruce said still not taking his gaze off of the viles with the blood in them "so what can we do about it?" Tim asked

Bruce looked over to where Tim was "I'm currently trying to find an antidote for it" Bruce said turning back to how he was originally

Damian and Jason had just stopped laughing and Dick sighed in relief that his brothers hadn't died of something as dumb as laughter but then Dicks face went all serious "You guys should have told me that I was choking Timmy he could have died" Dick said putting his hands on his hips

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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