A Misty Memory Part 2

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The day had ended and Damian couldn't stop thinking about the blury memory he had,had at that time he hadn't said a word about it the whole time he just kept it to himself but even tho he tried to not think about it those memorys just came back he was frustrated that he couldn't make out the figure in the memory but he still tried his best to see who it was but no ideas popped into his head on who it could possibly be "who was that" Damian whispered making Tim and Jaosn turn their attention to him "what did you say kid?" Jaosn asked making Damian turn to him "huh I didn't say anything" Damian said looking at his older brothers, Tim and Jason looked at each other skeptically "he's definitely hiding something" Tim whispered over to Jaosn "yeah but maybe hell tell us what he's hiding later on" Jason Whispered looking at Damian with a worried expression "yeah for now let's just keep to ourselves about this" Jason looked tim with a confused look on his face "se we're not gonna tell dick,alfred and the old man?" Jaosn asked "eh maybe Dick, alfred will find out on his own and Bruce well we'll see"

They had gone to a stop and Damian was the first one out of the limbo and ran inside this made alfred frown of worry for the child

Dick was walking down the stairs when he saw damian running up stairs "hey dami-" Dick said waving but when he opened his eyes he saw that Damian was gone, as Dick looked up the stairs confused at what he saw it didn't worry him he just thought he might have had a tiring day at school so Dick ventured down the stairs when he heard Alfred Jason and Tim talking about Damians situation that was about the time he actually got worried and he barged in the room yelling "why didn't you guys say something sooner?"

After Damian had stormed off alfred asked if he could talk with Jason and Tim about the situation the boys nodded they explained everything they knew about the situation just as they finished they saw Dick barging into the room somehow since there was no door whatsoever and he yelled "why didn't you guys say something sooner?" jason and Tim looked at each other in a way or saying 'really' to their elder brothers assumptions about it being this way the whole time it was clear he didn't listen to the first few parts of the story which made the boys sigh and they told the begging once again

"oh I get it now..."Dick said in a way of understanding "what do you suggest we do about master Damian?" Alfred asked making eveyone grow silent the room had been silent for awhile but not a good silence it's was full of tension so much tension you could practically see it just then alfred got making making the others look up at him "where are you going?" Tim asked the elderly man "well master Timothy I have go make dinner now chop chop get dressed and cleaned up" Alfred said clapping his hands making the boys start running and they all somehow managed to trip over each other causing alfred to put a hand to his forehead and shake his head from side to side as the boys were running to their designated areas they heard a loud thud coming from Damians room and so they stopped everything and and ran straight into his room "Damian what happened" Dick yelled accidentally pushing his two younger brothers to the ground

Damian looked up to dick in confusion "what?" was all he asked "what's wrong Damian what happened" Damian just kept looking at Dick with a blank expression and that's when Jason jumped and bumped into Dick making Damian back away "I'm sorry dick I accidentally pushed him" Tim said in an in-apologetic tone while rolling his eyes

Dick sighed and made his way over to Damian "hey Dami are you ok" Dick said with a smile but Damian just backed away which made Dick sad so he walked over to him and picked the child up he threw Damian over his shoulder and walked out of the room "we still have time to shower and get dressed but before that let's go somewhere" Dick said to his brothers with a sheepish grin the boys just looked each other all Jason and Tim happily agreed but Damian on the other hand just stayed quiet and let them take him on this weird journey the boys all ran out screaming "Bye alfred/pennyworth" Alfred just chuckled 'those boys' he thought the old man smiled at their enthusiasm and went back to cooking

"so where exactly are we going?" Jaosn asked crossing his arms and Dick just laughed "you'll see" he said turning the corner and on they wet for what seemed like forever they had finally reached the place their older brother wanted to take them too "where exactly are we" Damian asked And dikc looked down happily and that level of happiness was enough to make Damian grab Jason's hand which made Jason look down but he didn't mind he knows that Dicks smile when he gets overly happy could make an old man cry because for no reason at all his older brother looks like the spawn of Joker with that creepy smile just then Jaosn heard a bell and when he looked up Dick and Tim were already in the pet shop and Damian was still with him looking up at him with a confused look on his face "are we going in or staying out here" his little brother asked still being very much confused about the whole situation "uh..."Jason said still abit spaced out" Oh! YEA Let's go"Jaosn said then both he and Damian entered the pet shop

"hello what would you like too see?" the lady at the desk asked but whne she looked up she was at a loss for words she saw two of the most handsome guys she has ever layed eyes on one teenager who looks cute bit isn't her type and an adorable child with them the woman was at a loss for words when she heard a voice "I'm yeah were looking for cats?" Dick said looking down at Damian who's eyes lit up at the word 'cat' the Dick smiled the lady popped back into reality and said "uh.. Uh yes the cats are all that way" she said pointing in the direction of the cats "just pick whatever one you like" she smiled nervously "thank you" Dick said sending her a toothy smile which made her turn so red to the point of a nose bleed "a-anytime" she smiled not noticing the blood dripping from her face Damian and Jason just looked at her in disgust(she didn't notice) and followed Dick and Tim on ward they had stopped at the kitten section and Damian looked around when he saw a black and white cat he smiled and looked up at Dick

"c-can we t-take this one" Damian asked shyly while looking down, Tim then ruffled Damians hair "yeah but what are you going to name him?" Tim asked, Damian looked up "um... Alfred" Damian said making the three boys turn white(if you know you know) "why alfred?" Jaosn asked "because he reminds me of pennyworth and I like pennyworth" Damian said with the kitten in his arms "good enough for me" Tim said walking out to find the lady passed out on the floor

Damian hid behind Jason's leg when looking at the lady an she tugged on Jason's pants, Jaosn then bent down and picked Damian up "why's up?" he asked "the lady..... Had a crush on you?" Damian asked in a very confused way and Jaosn snorted "yea that's one way to sum it up" he said between giggles and Damian nodded definitely not understanding what was so attractive about his brothers

*time skip*

The boys had arrived home and went straight to alfred shaping him the cat "well what's his name?" Alfred asked Damian smiled and said "his name is alfred pennyworth and his hungry" Damian said holding the cat making alfred shocked "I'll what I can do.. Master Damian..." Alfred Said making Damian smile

This whole time Damian had almost forgotten about the memory keyword 'almost' the thought still bothered him throughout the day but he never let it show he's very grateful and happy about what they did for him but the thought never left his mind and even when it did it'd always ocme back and the one question in his mind was

Who exactly was the boy?


Will Damian ever find out who the mystery boy is?
Well stay tuned for another exciting episode of

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