All For Us

808 45 17

Just for your love, yeah,
I'll give you the world
Mona Lisa's smile

Guilty or innocent
My love is infinite,
I'm giving it

I'm taking it all for us,
Doing it all for love

* * * * *

Jasmine was sitting at her office desk, drinking some orange juice. She was trying to nurse her hangover, which resulted from her drinking the night before. It was finally starting to go away. She felt triumphant about her actions two nights ago. She knows Camila had probably seen the video by now.

Suddenly, her receptionist was on the line.

"Ms. Hayworth?"

"I told you, Susan. I do not want to be interrupted."

"But miss, Lauren Jauregui is here to see you."

Jasmine perked up in her seat.

"Send her in."

Within seconds, the tall green eyed walked into the room and closed the door behind her.

" Lauren." The blonde smiled. She sat back in her chair and crossed her legs revealing for a glimpse what she was wearing underneath her skirt. "What brings you here this morning?"

"You did." Lauren answered.

Jasmine raised a brow.

"I did?"

The basketball player took another step forward and brought a hand from behind her back. She was holding the flash drive that Jasmine had given Camila. Lauren didn't say a word. She only looked at the reporter with a venomous gaze.

"What's that?"

"You know damn well what it is!" Lauren threw the flash drive on Jasmine's desk with a thud and leaned over the blonde's desk. "Marty told me all about your little arrangement."

"Aww, Marty told you did he...I should have known he couldn't stomach it."

"Why would you do this to me, Jasmine?"

"You did it to yourself, Lauren." The reporter shot back. "I just let Camila finally see the truth."

All Lauren could do was stare at her down with anger and deceit in her heart. Lauren strained between her teeth.

"She left me because of you!"

"No! She left because of you!" Jasmine shouted back, standing to her feet. "You're an addict, Lauren. You think a woman like Camila wants to be with you?"

The dark haired let out a breath and frowned in resentment. She turned her back to Jasmine and buried her face in her hands. She hated that the blonde's words spoke true. It was her fault that Camila left her.

Jasmine watched Lauren for a moment, her tone of voice softened.

"She can't handle who and what you really are...but I can."

Lauren's expression changed in surprise but she didn't turn around. She heard Jasmine making her way around the desk.

"I want us to be together. I always have...but Camila had always been in the way and her little accident didn't quite go the way I had hoped."

Lauren quickly whipped around and looked at the blonde in question.

"What are you saying? You're the one who cut her brakes?"

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