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Lauren went to the second floor guest room and found nothing but an empty bed that had been slept in. The basketball player hung her head solemnly.

She must have taken her own car.
She doesn't even want to face me.

Suddenly, the intercom speakers throughout the house came to life.

—"Ms. Jauregui! Telephone, it's the police!" Alfred announced.

Lauren raced across the guest room and picked up the phone on the nightstand.

"Hello, this is Lauren."

- - - -

"Yes." Lauren's heart began to pound as the police officer told her the news.

- - - -

" she alright?"

- - - -

"Which hospital?"

* * *

The green eyed drove her red mustang like a mad woman through the streets of Sacramento trying to get to the hospital. Rushing up to the recovery ward, she ran over to the receptionist desk, gasping for breath.

"Cabello. Which room has Camila Cabello?"

"Are you Lauren Jauregui?"

Laur nodded her head vigorously.

"Yes. Where is she?"

"Room 727, down this hall to..."

Before the woman could finish her sentence, Lauren was halfway down the hall. Quickly, finding the room, she took a breath and slowly stepped through the open door way.

Camila was lying on the hospital bed with her eyes closed. Her left arm was in a cast and there was a large white bandage wrapped around her head. Lauren's heart dropped at the sight and tears began to burn her eyes.

"Oh, baby..." She breathed helplessly. She walked over to the bed slowly and grasped the brunette's right hand.

As she stood closer to her girlfriend, Lauren noticed the left side of her face was slightly swollen and bruised.

The crash had happened just two hours ago.

"This was all my fault." Lauren sniffled. "You must have been so scared, baby..." She brushed back the doctor's bangs gently, before leaning down to place a tender kiss on the corner of Camila's lips.

"Pardon me." A voice said behind her.

Lauren turned around to see a woman in a long white doctor's coat behind her.

"Are you family?"

"I'm her girlfriend. How is she?"

The woman nodded her head in understanding.

"She's doing very well. Her major injury was a simple concussion due to impact on the left side of her head. We had to put in seven stitches to close up the wound. Her arm will take five to six weeks to heal completely. She fractured both the radius and ulna bones in her forearm."

Lauren's face scrunched into a pained expression and tears ran down her face.

"When will she wake up?"

"It should be anytime now." The doctor replied, looking at Lauren sincerely. She began to look through her patient's chart.

Lauren looked down at the brunette's half battered face and smiled slightly.

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