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True to his words Adrianus showed up at my doorstep a few weeks later. After discussing my new job as a town healer, which will begin after my tea harvesting season, we talked more about light topics.

I got to learn so much about him, more than just as a King, but also the person that he truly was. He was kindhearted, generous, and fair to the people who respect, adore, and cherish him. To those who caused him or then ones, he cares about the harm he's nothing short of death itself.


I snapped out of my trance of thoughts and looked to my right. Adri sent a knowing look towards me and I blushed in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I-uh, I-"

"-Zoned-out again, didn't you?"

I nod my head and hide it down, chiding myself for zoning out the umpteenth time.

I lost track of the numerous times he comes to visit me in the past several weeks. We were sitting on a grassy terrain on a cliff, overlooking the mountains and forest below us. The summer breeze picked up a little force and the air became humid as if it will rain soon.

The green grass was soft and a group of hummingbirds flew by us. A hawk soared the sky and ants were crawling near our feet. It was these small details that I savoured and enjoyed living in this time.

When I travelled outdoors as a child it was always hectic with my younger sibling and the overpopulated crowd. If I ever leave this place, then this nature is one thing I'll surely miss. I know there was another attachment I formed in this foreign world, not with a landscape, rather a person.

These small moments with him were the things I cherished and with the thought of leaving there was a sense of longing I never felt before.

It all felt like a dream, but I knew it will end in a nightmare. I felt his finger under my chin, before lifting it up so my eyes can meet his.

His fingers brushed free stray hair strands that were covering my face. He tucked it behind my ear before stroking my cheek. 

"Tell me, Enkeli, what were you thinking about?"

My eyes scanned over his rugged features; his plump lips, his crooked nose that made him more masculine, and his soft blue eyes. His own eyes wandered from my lips to my blue irises, as he leaned in every-so-slightly closer.

"Hmm, Enkeli?"

His voice was like a trance that trapped me deeper in this spell. I felt something wet on my cheek and snapped out of our haze, looking up at the sky. Clouds hooded the afternoon sun as the summer rain began to drizzle.

"It's going to rain heavily soon. We should leave."

I stated before standing up. I took two steps towards my house when an arm pulled me back. Adri pulled me into his hold, coiling his large arm around my waist, pressing my body to his.

"What are you doing?"

I sounded breathless from the surprise, bring drenched from the rain, and from something else, something foreign and unknown.

"I know you are hiding something from me. I won't force you to tell me until you are ready, but if it is something that poses a threat to you, you know I'll do anything to help you."

Adrianus was not only book smart but was emotionally intelligent which made him a powerful King. I knew he suspected something and was relieved when he waited until I was ready.

In all my years living in Nordfjord, I never trusted anyone with anything. Mainly because I was too young and too scared and also as I never put the effort into seeking companionship.

With Adrianus, it felt natural and ignoring his presence was a nearly impossible task that took conscious effort. Furthermore, him visiting me at least a couple of times a week in the lonely forest didn't help with ignoring him.

"Thank you for giving me time and trusting me. It's something I need to overcome on my own and if there's anyone I'll tell, you'll be the first to know."

I replied truthfully looking into his ocean orbs. The rain was pouring now and our lips were just a few inches away. Our breaths synchronized into one and our glances drifted up and down, from pink lips to blue eyes.

I saw a flash in the grey sky before thunder boomed loudly, startling us. I jumped like a cat and clung onto him, as he froze in the sudden shock. We began laughing as if we completely lost our marbles. His eyes shone with amusement and I'm sure mine reflected the same.

"We should head back before the God of thunder decides to strike us down."

I shook my head in amusement and ran towards my home. He followed a few steps behind as we quickly sought shelter in my small home. Both of us were drenched soaked and there was no way Adri could leave now up the slippery muddy terrain.

"I'll change into a dry dress and here's a towel to dry yourself."

I panted, out of breath from the run. I handed him the towel, but then he came closer. Giving a devilish grin he began shaking his long locks of wet hair towards me. I shrieked and slapped his bicep.

He bellowed out laughter and imitated my shriek, and may I say that his imitation was horrible.

"I did not sound like that!"


He shrieked in an awfully high voice before coughing loudly. It was clearly too much for his vocal cords and I sent my own smirk.

"And that's karma for you."

I replied as I turned my back and headed to dry myself and change into warmer clothes. I came out with one of my simpler dresses and froze at the sight of me. It was a sight I saw a few weeks ago, yet it felt so different.

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