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"You're telling me the man I just saved, lying inside my home is the King fo Nordfjord?"

I repeated, still unable to phantom the information I had just received. Despite living in Nordfjord for a few years I held little knowledge in its information. I wanted to learn about the lives of most people that live here, yet I feared I'll become attached to this new life and won't have the strength to go back home, where I'm truly from.

Max and Callahan gave a comical look, as I stared back at them dumbfounded.

"If he's the King then who are you?"

I asked, tilting my head to the side. I began assessing their clothing, just now noticing the tiny details of the little gold jewellery they wore.

"As you know, I'm his brother-in-law, so I'm married to his elder sister, Princess Amaris. I'm also his right-hand man and advisor. Callahan is the lead soldier and our dear friend."

I took a few moments to process this information. A shocking realization hit me as I shook my head side to side.

"You were right to be Max, um- no your highness Max? Just I can't guard the King single-handedly. He has way too many enemies and if anything happens to him it will haunt my conscious."

I stammered like a fool as both men broke off in laughter. Not a chuckle, but a full-blown fit of laughter, while clutching their midriff. I knew I sounded and probably looked like a panicked lunatic, but I was seriously concerned.

Their laughs died down after a solid hundred and thirty-four seconds, which I patiently counted to calm my nerves. A sardonic smirk was still etched on their faces.

I turned my head and looked back in the cottage, although Adrainus' body, I mean His Highnesses body was hidden behind the wall. I looked back at the two men who were still staring at me.

"Your highness Max- I -I"

Callahan said in a high-pitched voice, clearly mocking me. I felt daft for believing for a moment that he was the well-mannered quiet one of the trio. I huffed out in annoyance and Max finally decided to talk something sensible.

"I'm still just Max and you can call him whatever you want-"

He said pointing at Callahan.
"Does he have a specific title then?"

"Yes, he does. You can call him Jester Callahan, chicken-tamer Cal, or donkey-tamer Cal."

I caught up with his joke by his teasing taunt and Callahan shoving his friend's body with his shoulder.

"I think I'll address his as Callie."

I said with the teasing smirk that was once etched on his face.

"That's a lady's name!"

"And you make an amazing lady impression, especially that high tone voice."

Our light-hearted banter and atmosphere tensed immediately when we heard a clanking noise in the cottage. All of us immediately ran towards the noise, with both men drawing out their swords.

I opened the door to see Adrianus's large body leaning to the side of the bed. On the floor was a jug of water, with its contents, spilled.

His long, dark brown hair covered half his face as his eyes drifted to us. They were in and out of focus, indicating his still hazy and drunken state.

"I was- was just getting water."

He coughed as I grabbed the jug. I froze at his deep voice. It was my first time hearing him talk and his voice equally if not accentuated his masculinity.

I quickly gathered myself and went to the bucket to gather some freshwater. By the time I returned Adrainus was laying down and fast asleep. It was only a few seconds, but this showed his need for rest.

I decided to place the water beside him just in case, as the three of us walked outside. We were no longer joking as Max looked at Cal and I.

"Cal will return with the wagon by the sunrise at the latest. Make sure he doesn't die by then."

I looked at him flabbergasted.

"His injuries won't kill him, but what if his enemies try to attack him again? He is a King after all."

"You were confident of guarding his lives against his enemies before you knew that small piece of information. Here-"

He stated, thrusting his sword.

"I saw the bow and arrow you had in your hut. If you hear anything or see any looming figures then shoot with your arrows. If it's too late use your sword. Don't hesitate to cut their throats."

"I'm not going to kill anyone!"

"If you don't kill them, they'll kill Adri and you."

Callahan said as a matter of fact. It wasn't like I didn't know that. Max gave him a slanted look and turned his gaze back to me. It was clear that he was the more sensible and mature one.

"There won't be any attackers, most likely. Just make sure to stay on guard for tonight."

I nod my head and looked back at the sleeping figure I promised to protect.

"If anything I'll also have Athens by my side."

"Who's Athens? Your husband, brother?

"No, I- my cougar?"

It was meant to be a statement but ended with a questioning tone.

"A cougar?!"

Cal stated before laughing.

"I'm not kidding. He always comes to visit."

"Max are you sure we should leave the King with her. I think she's a little loose in there."

He sated pointing at his temple. I glared at him before grabbing a stone from the ground and launching it was the spot he just pointed at.

"I'm not crazy. Just wait. Athens!"

I called, as my words echoed through the forest. For a moment there was no noise, that is until I heard the padding of careful feet. I'm sure my beloved cat caught the foreign smell, but he still came forth.

Both men's jaws slacked open as they stared blankly at the brown cougar. I noticed their fingers grasping their swords a bit tighter than necessary and quickly walked towards Athens. Petting his head I gave a smirk towards Cal.

"Dear Callie, meet Athens. I'm sure he'll help fend off attackers once I call for him."

Cal didn't even react to my name-calling as he and Max shared another look towards each other than the cougar than me. They seemed to snap out of their senses and finally acknowledge me.

"Alright, you and the cougar will guard Adrianus until Cal returns. Before I leave it has been a pleasure to meet you Rheya and thank you for saving his life."

He gave me a look of both respect and gratefulness and I smiled politely at the genuine remark. Cal had the same look and nodded his head. I saw their retreating backs and looked down at Athens.

Giving him I caught today, he grabbed it and ran back to the forest. I felt a sense of responsibility, a purpose, that I have felt since I was at home and had to look after my siblings.

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