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"Your foster parents suck."

"They're not that bad." But they're also not that good.

"Babe you look beautiful with straight hair but you shouldn't have to straighten your fucking hair to visit them." You can hear the anger in Mina's voice.

Todays the day I'm visiting Melissa and Bobby Peterson and they hate my curly hair so I have to straighten it to look presentable. I never understood why they hated it until my 13th birthday when they told me that I looked like a prostitute. I didn't know what the word meant but after searching it up and finding out, I was absolutely crushed.

Ever since then I've never seen them without straight hair.

"Yeah you look super sexy babe." Kate let's out sitting on my bed. She's on medical marijuana so she's out of her mind right now.

I let out a laugh "don't start flirting with me you're taken."

Kates eyes widen in realization "I wasn't hitting on you. Mari is the best girlfriend ever. I wouldn't cheat on her."

Before I can respond mina is pulling my hair forcing me to look at her "stop moving around or I'll accidentally burn your hair. Also it's not just me that hates Mari right?"

Since my hair is too long I can't do it on my own so I asked mina to do it for me. She's really good at doing hair. Every time she does it for me my foster mother asks what salon I go to.

"I think we should give her the benefit of the doubt. Kate really likes her and I think we should support our friend." I whisper.

"You're too nice that I sometimes hate you for it. Also the girl literally kissed another woman in front of Kate and when Kate expressed her displeasure she fucking gaslit her into thinking she was being too sensitive." Minas eyes are glaring with so much fury that I start getting scared.

I dislike Mari for plenty of reasons but Kate is so infatuated with her I can't ruin it.

"I agree Kate could do so much better. Hey how come we never see her flirting with men despite being bi." I ask curiously.

In the the month or so I've known Kate I've seen her pick up plenty of women but never men. I don't want to ask since it's not my place.

"Same. I thought she was a lesbian for a little because of how little she shows attention to men. But she's definitely attracted to men. Have you seen the sexual tension between her and Ravi?"

I glance at Kate who's laughing at her hands. She has a thing for Ravi?

"Are you sure? I don't see anything between them." I look up when I say this.

Mina clutches my upside down head when she says "girl the sexual tension between the two is everything 365 days tries and fails to do." With that she repositions my head straight.

"Mina and Aria you guys are so beautiful we should have a threesome." Kate chirps in.

I start grinning. Kate is the horniest person I know.

"I wouldn't fuck you with a ten foot pole. You sleep with anyone that has a pair of tits you slut." Mina says with amusement.

"I definitely would do you." I whisper.

Mina tugs my hair "traitor."

A phone starts ringing. I pat my pockets to make sure it's not mine.

No one would call you anyways.

"Hello Isaac." Mina says behind me.

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