35. Greece & Girlfriends

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"We can take you"

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"We can take you"

Sorry, whaaaaaat?

"It can be a bonding experience. All the boys love Greece, I love Greece, and it seems you want to go. We can take the yacht over."

I almost choke on air. Yacht. How rich is this family?!

"I - I can't - it's too much -" I stammer.

"Nonsense. We'll leave in a few days." Rich says and gives both me and Gio a look that screams 'that's final'. He stands up and just walks out.

"What the fuck just happened?" I turn to Gio with wide eyes.

He lets out a laugh, "fuck no. This is so unlike my Dad. He's being impulsive, that is not normal."

Me and Gio stand up and head out of the office. When we're walking towards the kitchen we hear the loudest, heaviest footsteps and a lot of screaming. "FUCK YEAH WE'RE GOING ON HOLIDAY!" Loud Mexican music starts playing and an excited Matteo appears at the bottom of the stairs with pineapple glasses and Hawaiian lei necklace on.

Me and Gio start laughing but Matteo just grabs onto both of us and starts dancing. He spins me around and I almost crash into the wall.

Suddenly, a pillow slams into Matteos face, wiping his excitable expression clean off his face. "CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?!" An angry Dominique shouts from the top of the stairs.

Matteo turns the music down a little, "brooo stop ruining the party. Get your ass back in your bedroom and start packing your shit up."

Dom throws his head back in annoyance, "some of us are trying to relax, Matteo. So shut the fuck up otherwise I'll come down there and kill you."

Matteo throws his hands up, pretending to be scared. "Shiver me timbers!"

"I warned you little bro." Dom comes storming down the stairs, a murderous look in his eyes.

"Little bro?! I'm the older twin, are you dumb?!" Matteo deadpans.

Dom reaches the bottom stairs and absolutely charges at his twin brother. They fall to the hard floor and start wrestling.

I hear Gio mutter "idiots" under his breath.

A half asleep looking Nikolai comes trudging down the stairs. Practically dragging himself towards us. He stops for a second, looks at his brothers and juts shakes his head, then steps over their bodies and goes into the kitchen.

"WE'RE BACKK!" A happy, female voice days. A very female voice. It's a female. And she's in the house.

I charge to Nadine and engulf her in a hug. "Oh my god, hi hi hi!"

She laughs, "hey, babe. A lot happened, huh?!" She asks pulling away.

I nod, "yeah. A lot."

"What the actual fuck are you two imbeciles doing?!" Ben says, dropping the suitcases and walking further into the mayhem.

Nadine laughs beside me, resting her chin on my shoulder. "It's a hectic household, isn't it?"

I laugh, "yeah, but I live for the chaos."

"You'll fit right in then."

I turn my head to look at the ongoing fight and now Matteo is pinned to a wall and Dominique is pinning him to it with his arm and holding up Matt's black t-shirt with his free hand. "You fucking asked for it."

Matteo goes to push his brother but then something in his eyes change. A look of recognition? Or like he's remembered something? Or like a light bulbs jsut gone off? Matt opens his mouth about to say something but then Dom pushes him harder against the wall. "Don't. You. Dare."

"Doms got a girlfriend." 4 words is all it took for Dom to punch his brother.


My nose is fucking killing me

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My nose is fucking killing me. Im holding up a bloody tissue to it, sat on the sofa whilst literally everyone crowds around.

Dom is fuming.

Should I have mentioned his girl May? Probably not. But if anything I helped the guy. I don't know why he's been so embarrassed.

If anything, I helped the man. I don't think he wood have ever brought up the topic of his girl if I hadn't.

You see, he won't ever admit it, but he really likes the girl. But he doesn't want to. And in some way, if he tells us about May then it solidifies that his feelings really exist.

Maybe he's scared of messing up with her. He claims she's too good for him. And in some way, on paper, she is. But I know my brother and I know he's a good lad. He means well. He jsut has a really shitty way of showing he cares. He tries way too hard not to care and just ends up regretting it. 

"You got a girlfriend?" Axel asks Dom.

Dom just has his hands shoved in his pockets and is leaning against the furthest away door. He gives us a silent answer by just nodding.

"Invite her over." Axel says. He probably wants to meet the girl that's managed to break Dom's ice exterior. Hell, we all do. I guess we're intrigued to see who finally got Doms walls down.

"No thanks." Dom deadpans.

"Bro you can't be mad, you punched me." I tell him, the tissue still pressed against my nose.

"You snitched."

I roll my eyes at my twins idiocy, "is it really that deep?"

Dom just scoffs.

I continue, "bro, what's the big deal? You like the woman, that's a good thing. Don't turn it into a negative. Hell, you're fucking lucky. We wanna meet her, Dom. And she probably doesn't want to be your little secret. That's unfair to her."

"Fine, I'll invite her over for dinner or something." Dom speaks like he's doing us a favour.

"Bring her to Greece." My dad speaks up.

That captures everyone's attention. It's not a bad shout.

"Yeah bring her, bro." Ben says with an arm around his wife.

"I'll ask her," Dom mutters quietly in response.

"You're going to Greece?" Bennu asks.

"We're all going, including you two." Dad replies, pointing between Ben and Nadine.

"I have work, Dad."

"Shut up, babe. We know you're a bit of a workaholic and all... but please, let's go. It will be fun." Nadine smiles at her husband.

Bens going to say yes. He can't says no to Nadine. "Fine, then."

"Don't sound too happy, bro."Nik says.

Ben just sends him a sarcastic smile.

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