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Esmerelda forced me to stay back at her and Peters home

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Esmerelda forced me to stay back at her and Peters home. There isn't really much escape to be honest, I got lucky last time. They didn't expect me to run away, they underestimated me. But not anymore, now Esmerelda has prepared for the worst. All the doors are locked, from the inside. I'm trapped, with no way out. I'm only allowed to leave the house if it's with Esmerelda or Peter, normally going to some sort of snobby brunch or going to an event.

I haven't spoken to Nadine in a week. She's probably wondering where I am, but she's got her new husbands shoulder to cry on. I'm so happy for her, honestly. I was looking forward to going to dinner with Nadine at Bennu's family's home. I guess we gotta get used to disappointment though.

Esmerelda sent me to a sixth form at some preppy school yesterday. It was hell. Everyone's so snobby and rude. All the girls are fake and all the guys are sexist, misogynistic little boys.

I just want the ground to swallow me up and never let me go. I'd rather be trapped beneath the surface rather than this hellhole. I think there's many places I'd rather be. No doubt.

"We're going to a potential clients home for dinner tonight." Esmerelda announces, strutting into one of the many lounges in this mansion.

I drop my book on my lap, "good for you."

She scoffs, nearing me. "You're coming."

"No thanks." I tell her, lazily.

She snatched the book off of my lap. "What is this ?"

"A giraffe." I tell her sarcastically.

She slaps me. I'm used to it now. The woman hits hard. A stinging sensation is left in my right cheek. "I brought you a dress."

"Why Thankyou, how could I ever repay you?" I tell her, smiling sweetly.

She sighs tiredly, "when are you just going to shut up and do what you're told?"

I look to my bare wrist, "hm... let me think. Never."

She grips onto my worst and yanks me off of the expensive sofa. "Go up to your room, the maid is waiting for you."

"Wait, but it's hours until dinner.." I trail off.

"To cover up your... marks." She says, oblivious to the pain she's caused me. I am covered in bruises and she doesn't give a single, flying fuck.

I walk upstairs slowly, I feel dead. I think I died a few days ago. I just want to collapse onto the cold floor and bleed out.

I go into my prison, the maid waiting with a bunch of beauty products everywhere. "Hi, miss. If you could just get undressed?" She says, questioning, but we both know it's an order.

It feels normal to me now, being naked and exposed to strangers. The past week, many of Esmerelda's friends have visited to get a taste. It's sick. I feel dirty, stained.

I undress, now I'm stood butt naked in a bedroom I'm meant to call mine.

The maid paints me in cover up. Trying to make the bruises unseen. It takes a few hours. Some of the cuts and bruises are fresh, but the ones that have been there overnight are a dark purple, almsot black, shade. Them being the hardest to disguise. She covers up my face last.

I walk into the bathroom, still naked, and take a look at myself in the mirror.


I look like I did two weeks ago. Actually better than I did two weeks ago.

Two weeks ago, I still had scars from previous homes I stayed at. But now, there's nothing. My body doesn't look grubby or dirty anymore. It doesn't look like it's just been put through hell. It looks like it should. But underneath, I know its not like that. I can still feel the dirt on me. It still stings.

The maid calls me back into the bedroom, she shows me the dress Esmerelda brought.

Not revealing at all, I'm not surprised. Esme is all about "modesty" and being "respectful". I say fuck men. I'll have my fucking boobs on show if I want. Or my shoulders. Or my ass.


I have no choice. Esmerelda said if I'm "good" I get to go a night without being...

yeah, you know.

I get into the dress, it's so tight I feel like I just put a two sizes too small wetsuit on. It covers most of me. Just what that bitch wants. Not going to lie, Im embarrassed about going to this dinner dressed like this. Lots of women can pull this style off very well, just not me.

The maid guides me downstairs, a moody Esmerelda and her lap dog (Peter) are stood at the bottom of the staircase. I feel like im about to be sent off to do the waltz in a ballroom.

"See, Thalia. You can look beautiful with the right clothing."

I send her a tight lipped smile, deciding to save my (actually very necessary) opinion to myself.

Immediately 3 maids go to open the front doors (3 more than necessary), Esmerelda struts out of the house with a bored looking Peter behind her. I follow them hesitantly. Let's hope I can keep my mouth shut tonight.


I reckon the car drive could possibly be worse than the actually dinner.

Bold statement, I know.

But these lectures I get from Esmerelda are so repetitive, like change it up a bit please, sweetheart.

I got lectured on how to act, how to speak, how to eat, how to walk. Oh, and I forgot to mention, she told me to ask the chef for a smaller portion. That bitch

We pull up outside of our destination after a nightmare of a journey.

This house has its own fucking forest. It's huge. Like, huge huge huge. Beautiful, but huge. God, I couldn't  even imagine living here. I don't think I'd ever leave, to be honest.

"Remember don't speak unless spoken to."
Esmerelda tells me with her eyes glued to the beautiful home. I roll my eyes, knowing she won't be able to see.

The driver opens the door and Peter steps out, followed by his wife.

"Um, I need a minute... to uh-"

"Oh, of course you do." Esmerelda says, sighing. She puts a hand to her forehead and mumbles something under her breath before walking towards the front door (or should I say doors) ,linking arms with Peter to seem United.

As soon as they reach the front door and are let in by somebody (don't know how she let me stay), I climb onto the back row of seats and reach over into the boot. I search for my bag and find it (I think - I can't see much). The driver doesn't really question what I'm doing, because by the time he tells his boss', it'll be too late.

I quickly take everything out the bag and then undress. I change into the clothes I brought, kind of just hoping I look a little presentable.

I know I'd say I was gonna be on my best behaviour - but fuck that.

Esmerelda should feel relieved, it's not like I've changed into something with my boobs hanging out and my arse cheeks on show. It's just a little more... me.

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