Chapter 12. Moving on

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🎶 Holding On and Letting Go

Published on 28.10.2022

don't know if we'll make it,
but we know,
we just can't let it show;
it's everything you wanted,
it's everything you don't. ❞


Akira narrowed her eyes at Inaaya when she opened the door, surprised. Her gaze took her in. Inaaya was still in her formal suit and her handbag hung on her elbow. She arched an eyebrow and tilted her head, crossing her arms over her chest.

Inaaya frowned at that reaction. "Are you just going to keep me standing outside?"

Akira did a subtle eyeroll and stepped aside, letting Inaaya in.

"What are you doing here at.... eleven thirty pm?"

"Is Khushi asleep?" Inaaya asked instead, looking around for a place to keep her handbag and then putting it over the chest of drawers.

"She is." Akira breathed out. "But why are you here? What did you do?" She stared at her pointedly.

"Eh... just broke a heart?" Inaaya turned and gave her a sarcastic smile.

Amusement flickered in her eyes. "Dramatic." She muttered.

"I need to freshen up." Inaaya stated, making her way to the washroom.

"Don't tell me I've to babysit you. I really don't know how to handle people and their emotional mess or console them. So, don't expect me to be a shoulder for you. And what you're doing right now is very rude." She said sternly, throwing the towel at her.

Inaaya caught the cloth. "If I wanted to be babysitted, I would've been with Maya." She added before shutting the door.

After sometime, Inaaya stepped out and found Akira in the kitchen.

"I see, you're busy." She mumbled, looking over at the besan ke laddoos Akira was preparing.

"I'm always busy." She replied nonchalantly. "We've a good amount of orders for Indian delicacies for tomorrow on the occasion of Diwali. I was just doing that until you decided to show up."

"Hey!" Inaaya protested. "You're still doing that. And moreover I can help you with whatever is remaining."

"No need." She said, finishing the last sweet by placing cashew over it.

Inaaya helped Akira in packing the sweets in boxes.

"Won't you offer me one laddoo?"

"For what? For breaking someone's heart?" She inquired casually while running errands.

Inaaya sighed, grabbing a bottle of water for herself.

"Did you've dinner?" Akira asked, moving her aside and checking the refrigerator.

When Inaaya didn't reply, she knew the answer.

"There's some leftover food. Reheat and have it for yourself. I'm tired."

Without any further word, she left the kitchen and went to her room to change into comfortable night clothes.

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