Chapter 2. Lucky motherf*cker

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🎶 The 1 - Taylor Swift

Published on 23.09.2022

and if my wishes came true,
it would've been you.


Two years later.

"Phew!" Inaaya sighed.

"Phew!" The three-year old little girl imitated her and sighed dramatically.

Inaaya narrowed her eyes at her. "Phew!" She said again with a little more emotion.

The girl too narrowed her doe shaped eyes and said, sighing loudly. "Pheewww!"

Inaaya pulled a straight face and stared blankly, crossing her arms over her chest.

The girl imitated the action, trying to look as serious as possible and she was doing extremely well till Inaaya decided to make a weird face with eyes not aligning and tongue sticking out which had her guffawing, her brown eyes twinkling.

Inaaya waggled her eyebrows. "You don't wanna imitate me now?" She mocked mischievously.

She frowned. "Mi- mitititi?"

Inaaya chuckled, shaking her head. "Copy. Can't copy me now, can you?"

"I can!" She said determinedly and tried to move her eyes.

After few attempts, all of which received a pitiful shake of head from Inaaya, she gave up, blinking and rubbing her eyes while sitting on the floor.

"Khush," Inaaya crawled near her on her knees. She removed her hands rubbing her eyes and blew air on them. "Okay?" She asked, looking at her intently.

The toddler smiled brightly, making Inaaya smile too.

"Told you to do as I say but you didn't and look now." Inaaya said, gazing at the fallen building blocks building scattered beside them.

"Their fault." Khushi murmured.

"Yeah, yeah, ofcourse." Inaaya said sarcastically, nodding her head in agreement. "Nothing to do with the fact that you were basically trying to build the whole thing upside down." A frown starts to grow on Khushi's forehead and Inaaya immediately clarifies. "Upside down, meaning you were trying to put the lower part where the upper part had to be, she gestures with her hand, "and upper part where the lower part needs to be. You were basically doing it in the opposite way, like reverse?" She raises her eyebrow, hoping the kid understood.

Khushi ponders for a long moment before her mouth forms a "o" and she says, "Is what why Humpty Dumpty had a fall?"

Inaaya blinks and looks at her with a strange expression. "Sorry?"

Khushi huffs and facepalms herself. "Because he was sitting on the wall when he was supposed to be on ground!" She says intently in her childlike voice. "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses and the king's men, couldn't put Humpty together again." She chirped, beaming brightly.

Inaaya stared in awe before pulling Khushi in her lap and squishing her cheeks which earned a whine in return. "You dork! That isn't upside down." She chuckled. "If Humpty was sitting on the wall with his head instead of his... bum," she whispered the last word like it was some inside joke which made Khushi giggle, "then we could say, he was sitting upside down. Did you get it?" She asked, leaning forward to look at her face.

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