Just stay frozen forever

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Chapter 15

Just stay frozen forever

We pulled up to the school and parked. I hopped out of Days truck and ran into the school. I was gonna be late if I didn't hurry. I ran into my class just as the bell rang. I sighed in relief and sat down in my seat. Ash chuckled from behind me. I turned in my seat to look at him.

 "What" I asked a little out of breath. He shook his head.

 "You're just so worried about being late, it's kinda cute" he said. I rolled my eyes.

 "So how are you" I asked. He shifted in his seat. He knew I wasn't talking about his day, I was talking about his wound. He shrugged.

 "It hurts, but none of the stiches are broken and nothing is infected...I don't think" he said. I sighed.

 "I'm gonna look at it next time I'm over at Lukas" I said. Ash smiled.

 "Then I'll see you after school" he said. I frowned

 "What do you mean" I asked.

 "We don't have school for the rest of the week" he said. I gasped.

 "But it's only Wednesday" I said. He nodded.

"I know but we're seniors, we don't have to take the final exams, so we get out" he said. I nodded.

 "I forgot about that" I mumbled. He nodded.

 "Yea I know" He said. I glared at him and turned around to listen to what the teacher was saying. Ash chuckled but didn't say or do anything else for the rest of the class. After the bell rang I got my stuff and rushed to my next class.

 The rest of the day went pretty smoothly, but it seemed everywhere I turned there was someone from Lukas gang watching me. I sighed as the bell rang for lunch. I was halfway through the day. I went outside and sat under the tree with Day, he was already eating when I sat down. He offered me some of his food knowing I didn't bring any, but I refused it. He sighed but didn't argue, knowing it would only upset me if he did. I pulled out my camera and started fiddling with it, trying to find the shutter speed on it so I could take more than one picture at once. If the person or thing I was taking a picture of was moving then I could take multiple shots of it while it was moving. I jumped when I felt someone sit beside me. I turned to see Luka sitting beside me holding out a sandwich for me to eat. I shook my head and continued to work on my camera. I heard him sigh and then I was lifted and sat on someone's lap. I looked over and saw Luka staring at me.

 "Eat" he said. I shook my head as I sense of Deja vu overcame me. He sat down the sandwich and turned me so I was facing him, straddling his hips. He cupped my face and looked me in the eyes.

 "You need to eat" he whispered. I shook my head.

 "Why" he asked. I shrugged.

 "I'm not hungry" I lied. He shook his head.

 "That's a lie" he said. I stared at him with wide eyes.

 "h-how did you..." he smiled.

 "I know you a little better than you think" he whispered.

 "Eat" he said once more.

 "Then make your men stop following me around" I shot back. He jerked back and stared at me.

 "How did you know that" he asked. I smiled.

"I'm a little more observant then you think" I said. He nodded.

 "I can't let you walk around without someone with you" he said. I frowned.

 "Why" I asked. He sighed and buried his face in my neck, making me stiffen.

 "Because it's dangerous to be seen with me, and if something happened to you...I-I don't know what I would do" he whispered. I gasped and looked down at him as he wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly to him. I slowly wrapped my arms around him.

 "Ok, they can still watch me, but don't make them hide. They can walk beside me so I know they're there" I said. He pulled away and nodded.

 "Now eat" he said holding up the food. I sighed but took the food and tried to get off his lap. Key word, tried,he wouldn't let me go. I looked up at him in confusion. He leaned in towards me.

 "Just let me hold you for a little longer" he whispered. I blushed then gasped as he gently bit my ear. He chuckled and leaned back bringing me with him so I was laying on his chest. I smiled and took a bite of the sandwich. Luka gently took my wrist and brought the food to his mouth and took a bite as well. I giggled. He smiled down at me and in that moment it didn't matter if he would hurt me later on or not. I just wanted to live in this moment and forever feel this happiness running through my veins. My smile widened when he leaned down and rested his chin on top of my head. This was the best moment of my life.

 I was pulled from my peace when the bell rang, signaling time for classes to begin again. I sighed and started to get up but Luka wrapped his arms around me and stood with me in his arms. I gasped at the sudden movement but smiled as he gently set me down on my feet. He cupped my face and tilted it up to look at him.

 "I'll see you after school" he whispered. I nodded. He leaned down and kissed my forehead before walking off to class. I walked to my class with an idiotic smile plastered across my face, but no matter how hard I tried I could make it go away, and to be honest I never wanted this happiness to leave me. I may just be falling for the bad boy.

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