What stopped him?

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Chapter 13

What stopped him?

We had all sat down and started talking. Luka sat on the couch and I sat on the ground in front of him resting my back against his legs. Day sat across from me on the other couch with Night right beside him. Both of them talked to each other in low voices. I smiled. They were both blushing and smiling like idiots. It made me happy to see Day connect with some like this, maybe he could actually find happiness and stop worrying about me and my mom so much. Luka rested his hands on my shoulders making me jump. I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back down at me and slowly started rubbing my shoulders. I sighed and leaned back more and closed my eyes. My whole body hurt and him rubbing my shoulders felt like heaven. I was pulled from my heaven when Day sighed and looked at the clock.

 "It's almost time for your mom to go to her other job. We were lucky she didn't go to her first one but you know she won't skip this one" he said. I sighed.

 "I know" I said sadly, but then an idea popped into my head.

 "I know what to do" I said as I walked over to the phone and picked it up and dialed my mom's first job. After three rings a man picked up.

 "Hello" he said.

 "Hello, this is Anastasia, my mother did not go to work today and I talked to you yesterday about her not feeling well. You said you would take care of explaining to her other job" I asked. The man gasped.

 "Is she still trying to go to that place" he asked.

            "Yes sir" I said. He sighed.

"I talked to the manager at the bar and she no longer has a job there. I will get her more hours here if needed and I will raise her pay. I don't want her working in that bar and I know how tired she must be" he said. I smiled.

 "Thank you so much sir" I said.

 "Please, call me David" he said.

 "Ok, thank you David" I said with a small smile.

 "Your welcome, don't worry about your mother I'll take care of her. I already talked to her, I will be taking her to and from work" David said. My eyes widened and I smiled.

 "Thank you so much" I said quietly. He chuckled.

 "It's the least I can do. Now I have to go, I do have a business to run" he said. I laughed.

 "Of course. I'm sorry, goodbye" I said.

 "Goodbye" he answered before hanging up. I looked over at Day and smiled.

 "You will never guess what just happened" I squealed, forgetting we had others in the house. Day smiled.

 "What happened" I opened my mouth to answer when I saw Luka looking at a picture on the counter. I smiled.

 "I'll tell you later" I whispered. He nodded.

 "It's getting late and I think it's time you leave" Day said as he walked towards the door. Everyone filed out without complaint. Luka was the last out. He took me by the hand and led me out with him. I looked behind me at Day. He nodded in understanding and closed the door. The others had already gotten into the car. I turned to Luka. He looked down at me and sighed.

 "I don't know what to say" he said. I looked at him in confusion. He sighed again.

 "I-I want you to trust me but..."

"But what" I asked, fear coursing through me. He shook his head.

 "Nothing" he whispered as he leaned down and kissed my forehead. It was so fast I didn't have time to flinch. He pressed something into my hand before getting into the car and driving off. I stared dazed for a moment before I looked down to see a piece of paper in my hand. I opened it to see his number written on it. I smiled and walked back inside. Day smiled at me. He probably saw what happened. I blushed then ran up to my room ignoring the pain that shot up my body. I pulled out my phone and added his contact before looking at the clock, it was already late. I climbed into bed and relaxed, but as I fell asleep my mind wandered to what he had wanted to tell me earlier. What had stopped him? If he told me would I have liked it, or would it only add another stain to my dark blotted life. I sighed, another night of restless sleep and nightmares it seemed. I thought as I drifted to sleep. What would tomorrow hold? Light or darkness?

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