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K I N S L E Y ' S P O V

I sucked in a breath, squinting my eyes to get used to the light being shown in them. My head was pounding and I couldn't feel my arm. I looked over at the boy sitting next to me, he was barely recognizable.

"Thank fuck you're awake. I thought you died." he said, turning towards me. "Wish I would have." I rasped, trying to lift my arms out of the chains. I sighed in defeat and laid my head against the wall.

We were originally in separate rooms, they said it was good to see what we were like before we got to be put together. But before they put us together, they came up with the idea that we would get to watch each other get tortured.

It was horrible, watching him just take the beatings, the burns, everything they did to him. It was horrible watching him try to stop them from doing those things to me.

"Don't talk like that Kins." He said, attempting to lift his arm to hold my hand. He sighed in defeat. "Do you think we will ever get out of here." I whispered to him. He nodded, "I've been working on a plan for the both of us." He whispered, trying to move a little closer to me.

I opened my eyes to look at him. "Only you would think of a plan in a place like this." I told him. He shrugged then dropped his right shoulder and took in a deep breath. "You alright." I asked him, looking at him worriedly. He nodded slowly.

"Theres a bar over here, loose as could be. If I could just get it disconnected with the others, we could break the window up there and get out of here." He pointed to the small window that sat at the top of the wall. "We won't get out of there." I told him.

The window was tiny, I don't think I would even be able to get out. "It's worth a try, Kins. I want to get out of here, kill these bastards for hurting you." He said, a angered look sat on his dace.

"They hurt you to Keaton. And what if it doesn't work and they find us. Do they kill us?" I asked him. He shook his head, "Lets not worry about that right now." he said, situating himself to move the bar with his hands.

"Ok, what about these handcuffs, how do we get out of them." I asked him. He shrugged "Look we will do that when the time comes." He said.

The main door began to open. My eyes widened with fear as did Keatons. He quickly situated himself back to his original position. "Act like your asleep Kins. Don't get yourself killed just yet." He whispered, closing his eyes. I did the same, situating myself in a very awkward position.

A man walked up to the bars, peering in. He took out some device they use to talk to each other. "Still unconscious boss, they don't even look like they're breathing." The man said, walking away.

We heard the main door close and I heard Keaton take a shard inhale. "Listen, if were gonna do this thing, we need to do it now. I need you to keep watch, listen carefully alright." Keaton said, moving to the bar again. I nodded, looking out of the small cell.

A couple of minutes went by and I heard Keaton whisper "got it." I looked at him, the bar held promptly in his hand. "No Im gonna try to break the cuffs from the floor." He said. He began making a slight banging noise and then the sound of the chains breaking.

I looked at him with a smile. He quickly moved to my cuffs. "Keaton the door." I warned him. He kept trying to break my cuffs. "Keaton." I said again. The same guy from earlier opened the door.

"He-" Was all her got out before Keaton knocked him straight in the head with the bar. He grabbed the small device they use to talk with. He pocketed the device and moved back to my cuffs.

They broke with one hit and he pulled me to his chest. I let out a quiet sob and I latched onto him. "I don't think i've ever received a hug from you." He laughed, wrapping his arms around me.

"Ok, we have to go." He told me, taking the bar back in his hands. He took the device they use to talk. "Hey, what going on at the front of the house?" He asked, quickly pocketing the device.

   "We're checking it out now." Someone said. Keaton took the bar and busted the window. "Im gonna lift you up and put you over the wall. When I do, crouch behind something that's out there." He told me, throwing the bar through the busted window.

   I nodded and put my dirty shoe in his hand. He effortlessly lifted me over the wall and I landed on the other side with a thump. I crawled over to the nearest bush I saw. Keaton struggled over the wall and landed on his shoulder.

   He grunted but got up and limped over to me. My eyes widened and I pointed behind him. "Behind you." I rasped. I quickly lifted the bar and hit the guy straight in the head. His head immediately started bleeding and he fell to the ground.

   He dropped the gun he was holding. "I- I just killed h-him. Keaton I-I just killed him." I shrieked. "Good job Kins! Good fucking job." He said proudly. Keaton picked up the gun and looked to see how many bullets there were.

   "We have 3 bullets. We need to get going, somewhere." He said, wrapping his left arm around me as we both limped out of the yard and down a small slope.

   I pointed to a guy that was looking in our direction and we both ducked down. Keaton brought the gun up and shot him straight in the head.

   "Come on." He whispered, dragging me with him. I didn't recognize where we were. Maybe it's because I've been stuck in a damn warehouse for months.

   "So fucking find them!" Someone roared from not far away from us. My eyes widened and Keaton ducked down. "My leg, Keaton it hurts." I said, rubbing my left leg. "I know baby. Were almost far enough to stop and wait."

   Baby. Pull your head out of your ass Kinsley. This shit means nothing. "Come on it's all clear." He whispered. We walked down a literal cliff to a road that had absolutely no traffic. There was a guy with a gun draped over his shoulder but he was on his phone.

   Keaton took out the gun he had and shot the guy in the arm. He dropped to his knees and the gun toppled a few feet in front of him. The guy starts screaming bloody murder. Keaton quickly limps over to the guy and takes both his gun and phone.

   "Gracias." He says, shooting the guy in the head. Keaton took my head and we took off down the road.

   I couldn't tell you how far we went, but it felt like we walked for hours. "This road looks familiar." Keaton said. I had no clue where we were, still.

   Keaton handed me the phone. "Do you know Matteos number or one of your brothers?" He asked me. I shook my head. "I didn't have a reason to ever call them." I told him.

   He only nodded. "Call Jhett for me." He said, as he lead us to a bench to sit at. I unlocked the guys phone in no time. Poor man didn't have a password. "What's his number?" I asked him.

   Keaton quickly game me Jhetts number to which I typed in. I put the phone to my ear and waited for him to pick up. It had rung 4 times before he picked up.

   "Who is this." He asked coldly over the phone. "Jhett." I said, I could already feel the tears coming. "Thats my fucking name who is this?" He asked. I heard glass shatter over the phone.

"It's Kinsley."



Alive but not well?

<3 K

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