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~ K I N S L E Y ' S   P O V~

   He hung up. My heart was racing, almost like I was on a roller coaster about to pass over the first hill up. My only chance at being normal again and he hung up.

   My own father thinks i'm a joke. He said he knew our exact location. But if he did, he would know it was true. That I was really sitting there waiting for someone who didn't even want me in the first place.

I was supposed to stay in the other room while the officer called my father, but I couldn't sleep and I knew I couldn't eat anything. So I went to the the office and listened to every word he said while I sat there, keeping the tears controlled.

"I'm so sorr-" "Call him back." I said, interrupting whatever pity she was delivering to me. I don't want or need your stupid pity.

"I don't th-" "Call. Him. Back." I said, demanding to talk to this man once more. She simply nodded her head, picking up the phone once more, dialing the number again. "Can you put it on speaker to please." I said, not breaking the eye contact going between the both of us.

She nodded again, pressing a button on the phone and set it down. We listened to the rings. 4 times. 4 times before he picked up to throw out an insult or two.

"What." he spoke sternly, almost like daring us to speak again, to waste his time. Officer Brown went to talk but I hushed her, "Dad?" I asked, a little more emotional than I had wished.

And then everything went quiet. You could no longer hear the blow of the ac in the small office, the sounds of muffled tears threatening to escape, and you no longer heard anything on the other end of the phone.

"Kinsley is that really you?" He spoke after a minute of silence. "Please come get me." I said, my voice breaking as the tears spill.

why so emotional now?

"Sir, do you believe me now?" Officer Brown spoke. "I need the address and all then paperwork emailed to me immediately. I'll be there soon." He said, ending the talk.

"You're going home kid."


"Home?" Brad said, scoffing. "This never was your home and it never will ever be your fucking home." he said, throwing things around. "Please, just stop throwing th-" and I was cut off with a slap.

"Talk back again you little bitch." he whispered. I shook my head, cowering behind the counters. "You listen to me and listen very, very carefully." He said, grabbing my chin forcefully to make me look at him.

The tears in my eyes were apparent as he spoke, violence was laced with every word being thrown out of his mouth. It was like a poison.

"You aren't good enough. You never will be good enough. That's why your stuck here. NOBODY WANTS YOU." he said laughing. My mother stood behind him, a smirk plastered on her face like she was proud of him for what he was doing.

And then it began. The both of them doing their daily beatings. I lay there, unable to do anything. I'm a coward.

I lay there and take every little thing that happens. Every punch, every kick, every smack, every word, every cut, every burn. It would happen for hours.

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