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I run across the corridor returning to my room and find Florence surrounded by two or three maids who stare at me in surprise as I enter. One of them dips into a curtsy and the others copy her, none of them look particularly happy to show me deference. I shake my head and Florence who had been removing clothes from my wardrobe touches the shoulder of one of the girls, letting her rise up. Again, the others follow like a flock of nervous birds.

"Your Majesty," Florence acknowledges although she's cautious, she knows something is wrong.

I swallow raising my chin, "Please, can I have a little privacy?" I sound like a small child, my voice wavering with the rush of emotion I'm experiencing.

What the hell just happened?

My world can't really have been thrown into chaos that easily could it?

Was my life here always this vulnerable?

I take a breath, watching as Florence shoves the maids from the room.

"But we're supposed to be moving her," One of the older girls whispers as she's shoved through the door.

"Later." Florence hisses at her.

I catch their stares as the door closes. 'That's our Queen?' they seem to be saying to one another. Of course, they're right. Following on from Elissa I am a poor substitute. I'm wearing military boots and trousers under my skirts for heaven's sake.

I fall back onto the bed, and Florence barely contains the sigh. She certainly has her work cut out to keep me ladylike.

"Moving me? Where?" I ask, staring at the ceiling.

"You have suites now, in the royal apartments. Bronson is working us all like slaves to get everything ready." She starts untying the tangled laces on my boots and I sit up.

"Please don't, I can remove my own shoes." I slide my feet away and bend down to prove it.

"Miss," Florence catches herself, "Ma'am" She stops again, "Majesty?"

"How about Charlotte?" I raise an eyebrow at her and she mulls that over.

"Only in private." She finally agrees and I nod.

"I'm your Lady's Maid, I'm supposed to take care of you." She continues her thought, watching as I remove my boots throwing them far away from her in case they smell.

"I don't need to be taken care of," I argue huffily.

"It's not about need," Florence says, shifting back onto her toes and standing up. "It's a pleasure to help you, and I'm paid for it. I support my family with that money." She hesitates. "Fae and Human alike."

I pause in my attempt to release myself from my skirts.

"You have Fae family?" I ask, quietly as if this needs to be kept secret.

Florence nods, turning slightly to see me and then rushing to save me from my clothes. Her nimble fingers have the skirts dropping within moments and I brush her off when she tries to undo my trousers. Maid or not, I can do them on my own. She takes it in her stride moving over to the wardrobe, and I wait for her to tell me more about her family. Trusting she will.

"My mother is Fae." She says finally, having wrestled me into a loose dress, far too fitted to hide trousers under, and yet loose enough to move in. "A Fairy." She says when she guesses my next question.

"Do you have any of her traits?"

"No, but my youngest sister does." She sighs, "She has bright violet eyes and nothing else."

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