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The owl lady in this chapter is referring to Luz since Eda was transformed and lost her title.


A female shouted followed by the slam of her fist.


Terrified monsters froze in place; their big eyes staring at the blue haired women before them.


The creature hurriedly bowed and left to avoid any more screaming. Lilith threw a light ball at the wall then sat on her throne.

"My lord," said a person from the shadows, "Let me capture her for you, I know the owl lady's weaknesses better than anyone else"

Lilith lazily looked at the peron before responding, "Oh my little flower, don't disturb your self with that being, my monsters are more than capable of seizing her if put enough pressure on them. Plus.." Her gaze softened, "I don't want her to break you, not again." Lilith slowly approched them before softly dragging her fingers against their pale skin. "You don't to  get heartbroken again. Right Amity?"

Although Amity had trouble responding, she was determined in getting the mission. "I am stronger now, I can handle her!" "Are you saying that you can murder her if asked to?" Lilith narrowed her eyes when she didn't get an imeadiate response "Then no, I will not let you go after her." "But-" "NO! You are forbidden from going anywhere near that damned house and that is an order! " A few seconds of silent passed before Lilith added in a colder tone, "I got another mission for you in the mean time."

"Something is following us."

You looked around frantically, an unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, at least not from the horrors that you already saw.

Emira held her finger in the air, then narrowed her eyes. She swiftly turned around and shot a light ball in the direction of the bushes. A barely affected giant arose from there; you could tell by its armor and creast that it wasn't just a normal monster and that you were probably in trouble. Two others showed themselves and you found yourselves cornered.

They were made out of a sort slime-ish purple mold.

Emira threw some spells at them while you looked for an escape. They were getting dangerously close and there wasn't much time before they got to you. When they were at an arm reach you grabbed the witch and decided to make a run for it. You slipped between their legs and ran as fast as you could. You couldn't run fast with your injuries and ended up tripping and falling down. The giant who was chasing you was about to grab you when his forearm exploded. He backed away some steps when his other arm exploded too followed by his legs then his chest, the only thing remaing being his head.

The two other seemed wary, but moved forward nonetheless. It was as if they were computers following orders. They were getting closer by each step they took. Surprisingly, they were pushed back by an invisible barrier. Emira, who had been standing beside you, pulled you up by your forearm. She obviously wasn't the one to put the shield since she looked as confused as you were. Although you were greatfull that the monsters were kept away, you, however, found yourselves trapped inside the barrier,and therefore couldn't escape.

The creatures banged on it with their heavy fists and soon enough managed to break the shield.

"Abominations, stop."

The 'abominations ' stopped at the command, halting their movements.

"What is going on here?"

The monsters parted ways to let a female silhouette in. Your heart dropping once you recognized the gold eyes. They narrowed when they landed on you but kept scaning the area nonetheless. By a snap of amity's fingers, the barrier disappeared and you found yourself awkwardly standing waiting for something to happen.

"Thanks" a relived sigh left the witch. "How come you are not on duty?" Emira asked from behind you, patting herself off to get rid of any dirt that may still be on her.

"I am on duty, I was asked to investigate this place since it emitted a strange energy that we couldn't identify. But the only thing I found was you."

"What do mean by strange energy?"

"A few days ago, there was an unknown burst of magic and we can't find the source. It is moving from place to place and is messing with people's magic"

The two seemed too invested in their conversation and, for once, didn't acknowledge you. You blocked out their conversation and focused on your surroundings. The trees with faces and singing winds honestly scared you but what glued you on the spot were the pair of eyes watching you, you blinked and they were gone. A knot started forming in your stomach, this place gave you chills...


You snapped out of your state and found Emira worriedly looking at you her hand on your shoulder.

"Are you alright? I've been calling you for a minute now."

You wordlessly nodded your head and looked around once more. There was no trace of Amity nor the abominations. You hesitated a bit before speaking,

"Do you ever feel...watched?" Your voice was scratchy from not talking for so long but Emira didn't pay attention to that, instead she held an amused look in her eyes at your words .

"You are in the Boiling Iles, you should feel everything but safe here." Although she had a playful tone, you could tell she was serious about the matter.

"Let's get home before the night sets, I'm not in the mood to face any other monsters. From what my sister said, a lot of them would be patrolling from now on; we were lucky Amity showed up to rescue us but that wouldn't always be the case. We'll need to be more careful from now on. "


Your feet started hurting by the time you got to the manor, you didn't remember the road being that long.

You waited for Emira to open the door. You imeadiatly noticed the look of shock that took over her features when she did, the shout that left her didn't help sooth your nerves either.


WOW! I didn't know now people would like this story that much, thank you all for 1.9k readings!

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