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You jumped from the bed, eyes frantically looking around trying to identify where you were. Your heart was pounding and your head was throbing. You sat up on the now sweat covered bed and took a deep breath.

A nightmare. A horrible one, but you couldn't remember anything from it. You glanced to the window to see a pitch black sky with some stars here and there. The silence that usually accompany the night was disturbed with some men arguing outside. It didn't really bother you since it wasn't uncommon for that to happen back at your apartment. What did bother you was how sweaty and thirsty you were, you had barely drank anything yesterday and it was getting to you.

You got up carefully and slowly creaked the door open. You went down the stairs, almost tripped, ran into a wall then found the kitchen. You looked around for a glass, you checked the cabinets and the drawers but didn't find any. Was there really no glass here? You were sure that Edric bought one with him when he gave you the 'food'...Or was your mind playing tricks on you again? You weren't fully awake so you wouldn't be surprised if it was the case.

Your dry throat urged you to drink directly from the tap. You put your hand under it and opened it only to scream when a six legged creature came out of it and crawled to your arm. You shook your arm in an attempt to get rid of it, then you patted yourself down to make sure it wasn't on your body.

You turned around to find the human sized version looking right back at you. You lost your balance and backed yourself in a wall, screaming from terror. You closed your eyes when it approched, praying that this wasn't real-

"What's going on?"

The light turned one and the monster turned to dust. Emira looked at you for a second trying to figure out what was happening then, as if she realized something, she turned to the other corner of the room with furrowed eyebrows.

"Did you take one of my illusionist potions again?"

"Maybe" Another voice said.

Your heart beat sped up when you recognized the voice as Amity's. No, not because she was attractive or anything, you were scared and petrified by her presence and seeing her grin after what she had just done only made you fear her more. She hopped down from the counter and backed you in a corner. Her finger lifted your chin up to lock eyes with her. Her grin was replaced by a frown, "I'll give you one more chance to run from here" She lent in closer, "Then I'll show you the real colors of this place." She whispered low enough so that her sister wouldn't catch her words. You weren't sure if her eyes were really glowing or your senses were hightend but she seemed very intimidating in that moment.

She pulled away and handed you a glass before walking away. Emira also retrieved herself when she juged that it was safe enough to leave you alone. You stood there for a few more seconds, calming your heartbeat before drinking the water and going back to bed.


"Pssst, hey pssst wake up" You woke up to a hand shaking you awake. You opend your eyes to find Edric putting some clothes on the bed. You turned to the person shaking you awake and-

"AGHHH-" You fell from the bed and continously dusted you arm off. "W-WHAT IS THAT!?" A hand crawled toward Edric and climbed him up till his shoulder.

"Oh this? That's Hex. Say hi!"

The hand waved to you and the twin pet it as a reward. He put the hand down and pointed to the door, "Go help Emira with breakfast." The hand obeyed. He turned back to you, "Cute, isn't he?" You continued to stare at him with wide eyes, still not beliving what you saw. "Anyway, Emira said something about visiting someone to heal your wounds so I figured I could give you a change of clothes." He hinted toward your bloody ones. " I did my best to find some that may fit you. Change then come down to eat." He didn't wait wait for a response before closing the door.


The food wasn't as horrible as you thought it will be, it was in fact delicious. You were at the dinner table with the twins, no trace of Amity, eating their version of pancakes. The clothes weren't too big, thankfully, and the weather seemed great. Although everything was good, you couldn't shake that weird feeling.. The one when you know something isn't right. Maybe the words of the younger sibling were finally affecting you.

Before heading out, Emira gave you a necklace that gave you the illusion of having pointier ears and teeth. She said it was to protect your identity. Edric decided stayed behind since he didn't feel too good. On your way, you made sure to remember your surroundings and the roadway you took in case you really ended up escaping. You didn't walk long before stopping in front of a house. Emira drew a circle in the air before a scroll appeared in front of her.

"Woah.." Although you weren't used to it, magic was an incredible thing and seeing it really did amaze you.

"This is a scroll, you human have a similar thing that you call smartphone." Emira said after clicking a few icons.

"That makes s- Wait, how do you know what a smartphone is?" Emira visibly tensed up at your question but quickly composed herself. "I have a friend that is obsessed with humans and know a lot about them, I learned it from him." She smiled at you.

"That's creepy..."

"Mhm." She did the thing again with her fingers and the scroll disappeared. The door opened a few moments later revealing a brown haired girl with pale skin, her happy expression turned into a confused one when she noticed you. Emira pointed to your jewelry on your neck before the girls eyes widened. She pulled you both inside and locked the door.

"What going on? How come she has the owl lady's necklace? Is she- "

"Yes, she is human."

"But I thought the portal was destroyed!" The girl whisper shouted.

"Look, Viney, calm down. I don't know how or why this happened, me and Edric found her near our house and she doesn't seem to remember how she got here. She is badly injured and in need of urgent medical treatment. You studied in the medical field, could you take a look at her wounds?"

"Of course. " Viney sighed.

"Thank you dear."


"Hm.. I see. You can put your shirt back on."

She had properly bandaged your shoulder along with your burnt hand, but she had you stay a bit longer to take a closer look at your head.

"I'm not an expert when it comes to humans but I don't think that your head is fine. Does it hurt?" She touched the back of your scalp gently and you immediately pulled back, protecting that area with your hands.

"I'll take that as yes. I think you might've hit you head when arriving here and that might be the reason you can't remember much." Viney explained. "It is temporary and you should be able to remember soon."

"How soon?"

"I'd say one to three months." She answered.

You stayed silent; there was something important that happened before you went to university but you couldn't put your finger on it.

You got pulled out of your thoughts when Emira dragged you outside, making sure to thank her friend again. The walk back was uncomfortably silent, the girl seemed to be lost in thought while you looked around you, there was a forest near but it looked far too scary for you. The trees were almost moking you and that unsettled you.

You bumped into Emira when she stopped walking. She furrowed her eyebrows before looking at you.

"Something is following us"


Finally! Things are getting interesting...

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