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Nicholas's P.O.V


4:15pm. The clock ticked.

I've never been so bored. Ever. I sighed and gave up counting seconds aimlessly. I turned my back to the door of the room and faced the window, sighing for the millionth time. I took my new phone and stared at the only contacts on my phone. Grandma's and Zo's. I switched it and tossed it under my pillow.

It's been a week since Alex came. Grandma came in the morning with Eddy and Zoey to drop food for me then they left after about forty minutes. Bex also dropped by yesterday afternoon as well. She mentioned something about going to Alex's house. Eli came two days ago and we talked, alot.

He told me about Stephanie and how he doesn't know what to say to Alex. I couldn't help him with the latter but I had a lot of things to say about Stephanie. It was sudden but I didn't want to judge. Maybe she's more than what she seems like. I can't guarantee I'd likee her even if I get to know her but for Eli's sake, I'd tolerate her.

I wonder what she has been up to. I mean, it's been a week, a little hi wouldn't hurt. I snorted. A vibration from under the pillowcase jolted me back from my thoughts. Lifting the pillow up, an unknown phone number flashed across the phone's screen. I furrowed my eyebrows as I swiped to answer the call.


"It's been a while" The voice sent shivers down my spine. I could recognize it even in my sleep.


"Venom" I murmured. He chuckled mischievously like he knew I wouldn't fail to recognize it's him.

"I don't think this is how favors work. You can't just abandon your helper you know" he said and I clenched my jaw.

"I have tried enough for you. I want out" I forced through clenched teeth.

"There's nothing like that, Nicky dear. I'd give you time to recover but you better be resume or I'd make sure the next time we're meeting is at your sister's funeral" he threatened. Folding my fingers into a fist, I flared up and hit the bed as he hung up.


I shouldn't have joined in the first place. I had no choice. I needed the money and he was willing to give me that if I did a few deliveries and sold a few bags of weed. It was easy money, hard to resist

In anger, I dropped the phone on the bedside table and cursed at it. I heard two knocks on the door, distracting me but also irritating me at the same time. "Come in" I snapped.

The door swung open slowly and a confused-looking Alex peeped out of the opening before she quickly slipped in and closed the door. I raised an eyebrow at the exaggerated action and watched as she walked towards me. She was holding a grocery bag in her left hang while her right hand was hanging on the strap of the bag that she was carrying over her shoulder.

I scammed her outfit very swiftly. An olive green sweatshirt with a brown bear, grinning on the rear. She paired it with a pair of baggy brown coloured cargo pants and her was braided into two pigtails each over her shoulder. A pair of dark shades was on her hair, above her forehead. My eyes darted to the grocery bag then back to her eyes.

"Hello there" I smirked. "Took you long enough to visit" I said as I sat up.

She pouted, shifting the covers so she could sit. "I was a bit busy. Don't blame me" she said and I raised an eyebrow, demanding for more information.

"Too busy to visit your friend who just got a bullet removed from his chest?" I prodded, cringing very slightly at the word, friend.

She snorted at me. "You're extra dramatic today, are you on your period?" She mocked.

Narrowing my eyes at her as she placed the grocery bag on the bed, I said, "No, I'm pregnant"

She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Anyways, I brought icecream and a few other stuffs I think you might like" she said as she brought out a medium sized bowl of icecream, some chocolates, sweets and gummy bears.

"That's a lot of calories" I took the icecream bowl. She glanced at the wall clock.

"It's almost 5, I'll get going soon" she informed and my stomach dropped.

"You expect me to eat all these alone?" I asked and she shrugged.

"Well, not exactly" she bit her lower lip, staring at the junk she unloaded on the bed.

"Good. Then you're staying a bit longer?" I asked hopefully and she nodded.

I scooted on the bed and tapped it. She just watched me. "What?" She asked and I did a facepalm.

"Come sit, dumbass"

"Oh" she said before peeling off her sneakers and sitting beside me. I pulled the duvet over her legs and put the icecream in between us.

There was silence for a while. A very loud one. And tension? Definitely. I opened the bowl and it was half vanilla and half cookie dough.

"Interesting choice" I nodded and she tsked before digging her spoon in the cookie dough then licking it off her spoon in a split second.

Pretending like that action didn't just make my heart stat racing, I dug my spoon in the vanilla flavoured one and ate it. I felt her stare on my cheek and hesitated before meeting her gaze.

"What?" I asked and she pointed to the side of her lip. Intentionally, I cleaned the wrong  spot and she flicked my forehead before wiping her finger over the side of my bottom lip then licking it like it was a normal thing.

Nonchalantly, she dug her spoon in the cookie dough flavoured one again and took it. She raised an eyebrow at me, making me realize I was staring. "Isn't this the part where we kiss?" I said and she choked on her icecream, coughing repeatedly.

"Shit, sorry, it was a joke" I rubbed her back to ease the cough, regretting saying that out loud, till she eventually stopped.

"Urmm ofcourse. I knew that" she said as she used the spoon to draw circles on the iced cream.

"Unless you don't want to be" I blurted out before I could stop myself.

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