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Alexandrea's P.O.V

"Nick?" We all chorused, surprised.

"Nick draws?" Eddy asked, his eyebrows raised to form a crease on his forehead.

"Apparently" Eli answered shrugging. He looked at Zoey who stared at the sketch in awe. "You didn't know too?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No shit, Sherlock" she rolled her eyes at him. I ignored their banter as I admired the work of art.

Smiling to myself, I brushed my fingers over it as I felt somersaults in my stomach. I wonder when he drew this. I don't remember him holding a book when we met that day. Did he draw this off his head?

"When was this by the way?" Eddy asked, snatching me from my thoughts. I looked up at him, wiping the smile off my face and clearing my throat.

"Just one of those normal days you know" I brushed it off. I felt Zoey's glare as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"I don't think there's anything normal about you dancing barefooted in a random place" she pointed out.

I sighed and slightly but repeatedly slapped my cheeks that were warming up already. "It doesn't matter. Let's check the next one" I whined.

Three pairs of eyes literally bored holes in my face as soon as I said that. "We're listening" Eddy said, crossing his arms over his chest.

I groaned loudly and exhaled. "Fine" I pouted. "So, on that day I was supposed to meet Eli at a restaurant for a date. I went all dolled up and in heels..." Eli shifted awkwardly and casted his gaze to the floor. I continued. "I got stood up so urm I was really sad and was also on my strawberry week--"

"What's that?" Eddy chipped in, asking. Zoey glares at him and he sucked in his lips.

"Well....I tried calling everyone else but they were either busy or not picking my calls. Then I called Nick, he came over and tried to cheer me up so we went to this park that had an ice cream truck and it was really weird because it was midnight. I removed my heels because my heels were hurting and I was started dancing because I was happy. And that's it. See? Nothing!" I summarized.

A smile creeped up Zoey's face. "So it was a date?"

"It wasn't. Just icecream and chilling " I defended. I mean, that's what it was right?

"Ofcourse. Definitely just that" she said, sarcasm dripping from her words.

I glanced and Eli who stood uncomfortably. We had a lot to address. Are we still together? Are we friends? I needed to know what was going on because the constant tension is confusing. I didn't know what it meant. Do I still like him? I stared at him. My heart felt numb.

He looked at me as we locked gazes. It's no longer there. Now it's just....empty. I passed him a small smile and he returned it. I looked away.

"I'm happy you're fine" Zoey smiled softly and she took my hand in hers. " I don't know what I'd have done if--"

"Shh...I'm alright. Now we just have to wait for Nick and Bex. I'm sorry I dragged you all into my mess. I'm really sorry" I frowned and I squeezed her hand in comfort.

She squeezed it back and grinned. "Come on, we're friends. We're supposed to go through shit together" she said and pulled me into a hug. Eddy joined in and Eli followed.

My stomach felt warm, it was comforting. I wish Bex was here. We separated from the hug and realized that my mom and Daisy were no longer in the room. "Where did they go?" I asked, looking at the spot they were.

The other looked in the same direction and shrugged. "Probably gave us some privacy" Eddy said and we hummed in agreement.

I closed the sketch book and put it under my pillow as I suddenly remembered. "What about the phone? I was holding a phone while we were at the warehouse" I said and they looked confused for a second.

"The one Nick asked for ?" Eli asked and I nodded. "Oh. I don't know" he said and I bit my lower lip, sighing. Fuck.

"The police have Axel right?" I asked and Zoey nodded. "Did they find anyone else at the scene?" I asked and she blinked.

"The dead and injure men?" She said, like it was obvious. I rolled my eyes at her.

"No. Not that. Did they find any woman?" I asked again.

"I think so. I'm not sure. Why?" She answered.

"She gave me the android phone. I was supposed to help her meet her daughter. I really hope she's okay" I was worried. I won't be able to get rid of the guilt if she...well, I hope not. I really do.

"What does she look like? I'll call the cop that helped us" Eli said as he brought out his phone.

My lips formed a straight line as I tried to remember how she looked. "She looked chinese but she spoke english quite fluently" I said and Eli nodded and he tapped on his phone before placing it by his ear, making his way to the door.

"I'll be right back" he said as he left the room. As soon as he left, Zoey scooted closer to me. I eyed her, suspiciously.

She licked her lips. "What's going on between you and Eli? I'm choking on the tension between you two" she said and I bit my lower lip, unsure of how to answer that question.

"I really don't know. A lot of things have happened and I don't know. I don't know if we're still together or not after everything that happened" I sighed and she sucked in her breath. She glanced at Eddy who was listening in our conversation.

"I don't recall you having boobs, babe" she arched an eyebrow looking up at Eddy.

"What?" He looked confused. I chuckled, understanding what she meant.

"This is girls talk, shoo!" She huffed and he raised his hands up in surrender.

"Fine, jeez, whatever" he stepped back and sat on the plastic chair at the end of the room. He brought out his phone and started scrolling through it.

Zoey snapped her fingers in front of my eyes and I flinched, startled. "Focus on me, miss" she said and I nodded.

"Yes ma'am"

"Do you still know, feelings for him?" She asked and I paused in my breathing. Do I still have feelings for him?

"I don't think so. I mean I still think he's really cute but I don't know" I answered and she stroked her chin, nodding.

"Right. How about my brother?" She asked. My eyes widened, surprised.

"What?" I blurted out.

"You heard me" she narrowed her eyes at me. I cleared my throat and played with my fingers.

"Well-" I started but stopped short when the door opened to reveal my bestfriend.

Zoey turned her head and Eddy stood up. "Holy- Bex! Oh my God, Bex!" She squealed as she stood up and ran to embrace Bex who stood by the entrance with a slouch.

My stomach bubbled in excitement and it was evident from how big the smile on my face was that I was more than happy that she's alright. She embraced Zoey, chuckling, as she locked gazes with me.

On a different note....Phew! That was close.


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