A/N chapter; Some designs for characters in this au + reminder about QnA!

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So- uh- this is an authors note chapter- um...

Sorry... I had this stuck in my drafts for a while and I kept forgetting to post it- there is probably a lot of errors here too... oops-

Um- anyway, this contains spoilers for the au! And also contains similar warnings to the actual parts for the story since I talk about things from it... uh- I'm basically talking about the insides and gore of these characters so uh... *nervous laughter* this is where I start to sound like test tube from inanimate insanity but- uh- anyway...

Wait! Last minute decision time! Writing something about test tube from inanimate insanity gave me an idea! I'm going to write this as two characters having a talk about object anatomy(kind of random but it's fun for me and I hope you like it too)!

But before I write it like that...
So, I noticed some comments saying things about things I would consider as the "anatomy" of these characters. These things being like airline food being gone from Bryce eating the food inside since he's the container. Well, uh... I'm hoping these designs I drew on paper help with that!

Anyhow, these will be written as two object characters of mine(hfjONE Ocs) having a conversation together.

Okay- cool thing with two of my hfjONE Ocs talking about object anatomy of the characters in this au starting now!:

A lemon walks into his laboratory and office, sighing as he does so. A toothbrush follows close behind.

"M- Mistah Lemon?" The toothbrush says with an accent. "W- what is g-g-going to happen today?" She stutters more so than usual, intimidated by her boss.

"Well, Miss Brush..." He gives a sickening grin. "I thought we ought to do something... less hands-on today."

"O- oh?" The toothbrush calms slightly.

"Yes... I have... data on some objects from another timeline..." The lemon keeps his intimidating smile, causing the toothbrush to shrink into her oversized lab coat. "Here, check this one out for instance..." He hands her a paper. She looks to number one.

#1. Airline Food

"Sir?" She asks

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"Sir?" She asks. "W- what is t-t-t-th- th-" she struggles to get her words out. "T-t-t-t- take this back!" She pushes it into his hands, clearly frightened.

"Hmm... this may be difficult- now about being first name terms to calm you?" The lemon smiles, this one being more kind. However, the brush could still see evil in the only eye that remained on the lemon... even through his glasses that reflected all of the colorful light from the vials in the room.

"So, Bethany," he moves closer to her. "So, the food inside this airline food container acts as his blood and organs. If it were to be lost, he would die." The lemons points to the picture showing the insides. "Ah, but only to us objects are these organs and gore. Other species would see it as... only a meal..." He looks at the brush, who is now being known as Bethany. "Like how we see the meals I prepare."

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