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⤿ March 7th, 2021

There was a knock on the front door as Brianna sat on the couch, eating straight out of a tub of ice cream that Will had so kindly bought her the night before because she had decided that she wasn't going to eat anything. So he went to buy the only thing she knew that she wouldn't be able to refuse. Her favorite flavor of ice cream and after an hour of searching so many different stores he found it.

Will moved quickly to open the front door and Brianna kept her eyes locked on the movie which she was watching. It was the very first Avengers movie because she had stolen Will's Disney Plus account to watch marvel movies. They were both almost through the first Phase which was enjoyable for the both.

"Bri!" Tubbo rushed into the house with a grin on his face and practically threw himself onto Brianna. A confused look crossed her face for a second because she was not quite sure why this random person was jumping on her and her ice cream but then she realized who these boys were. "Will told us what happened and we came to visit you." The brunette grinned up at Brianna and a smile appeared on Brianna's face as she realized it was the kid. She looked to the door and saw that Tommy, Kristin and Phil were all standing by the door looking at the two of them.

"You are sad." Tommy told Brianna who couldn't help but laugh at how dumb the blond kid was sounding as he made his way to sit by Brianna. Tubbo quickly moved to the other side of her as Phil and Kristin made their way to sit across from the trio.

"Well no shit Tommy." Will said as he hit Tommy on the backside of his head. Tommy's head snapped towards Will and was about to yell but Phil shook his head at the two of them still acting like children. This made Brianna smile a little at the way they were interacting.

"Imagine being American." Tommy added to what he was saying as he looked into the ice cream tube which Brianna had managed to eat for the most part. She was dressed in an oversized shirt with shorts underneath and her hair was thrown up into a messy bun.

"Tommy." Kristin scolded from across the room and Tommy looked from Brianna then to Kristin then to Will who was standing at his side then finally back to Brianna.

"Sorry that was uncalled for." Tommy said, not at all sounding sorry which only made Brianna laugh a little and a proud smile appear on the boys face. She rested her head on Tubbo's shoulder because she looked at the two of them as if they were her little brothers. This is what she needed, she needed her family.

The group of people eventually got comfortable and watched the movie that was going on. Bri loved the movie and had only really been in the beginning of the movie when it had started but everyone was ok with starting early. It became very obvious who each Avenger each person in the room liked. It just so happens that both Bri and Kristin liked the most.

"I stan Loki." Brianna suddenly said out of no where which caused each person to turn their head towards her. Will laughed because he had known this but the others were confused as to why Brianna would like the villain the most. They were then less surprised because of course Brianna would love the villain the most. "Ok never mind I've controlled my fan girl self." The girl said as she took another bite of ice cream and they all went to watching the movie right before the screen panned back to Loki in the prison chamber talking to Black Widow. "Sike, he's still hot." She pointed out with a laugh with the spoon only inches away from her moth.

"He's literally the villain Bri," Tubbo pointed out as the group watched Loki trick the Black Widow into going into the chamber. Brianna had always found all of the Avengers hot but her favorite was definitely Loki.

"Yeah and he is hot." Brianna pointed out as if it was obvious which made the others in the room laugh some. It was clear that everyone in the room was enjoying the movie and as well as the comments that would occasionally come from each person. "The Avengers are obviously jealous of his hotness." She told Tommy who made a face and Will smiled as he punched the bridge of his nose. He had gotten used to this over the last movie marathon with her.

"Have you," Tubbo looked from the screen and then to the mess of a girl sitting next to him who had her eyes focused on the movie as Loki walked through the flying compound. "Have you even been watching the plot of the movie?"

Douchebag | JSchlatt ✔️ Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora