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⤿ December 2nd, 2020

Brianna was once again lazing around her apartment with John sitting on the other couch, his eyes glued on the laptop in his hands as he had been emailing back and forewords with a company he'd been planning to collab with. So the girl was left bored and on the phone with Tommy and Will, the conversation jumping from topic to topic with John ever so often dropping a comment which would add something to the conversation. He didn't mind that Brianna was on a call while he was working, he had actually said he enjoyed hearing her voice while he was busy with boring business type stuff.

"Brianna sucks at keeping her apartment clean." John grinned as he spoke up in the conversation due to the fact that Will had pointed out that Tommy's room was becoming cluttered. Or at least the part of his room that wasn't shown when the teenager was streaming or recording a video. Brianna had of course been making fun of the teen but John had decided to speak up against her even though her apartment was clean, for the most part.

"J fuck off," Brianna said with a wave of her hand and he shut his laptop coming to sit on her side of the couch with a grin on his face. The girl moved so she was once again leaning on John, loving his touch even though he was exposing her and her apartments status. The other three boys laughed at how they had been exposed nonetheless.

"I don't know if I like her anymore guys," John said to the three boys with a grin on his face as he looked at Bri. She scoffed and pushed him away lightly but he didn't budge the slightest, only continuing to look at her with a stupid grin across her face.

"Did I ask?" Brianna shot back with a grin on her face which caused John to scoff lightly before he dipped his head and connected his lips with the girls. They stayed like that for a second and once they pulled apart, John cupped Brianna's face admiring her which made Bri blush even more.

"I'm running to the store," John then announced to the girl as he pulled away fully and his hands dropped to his sides. Brianna frowned a little and sat up from where she had previously been sitting. "Want anything?" The man asked with a grin on his face and Bri smiled a little as she looked at him because he always asked if she wanted anything every time that he went out.

"Can I come with you?" She asked, pressing her fingertips together and fake pouting as she looked at him, trying not to laugh. "OwO, UwU, LulW." Brianna started and she couldn't help but giggle lightly as John moved closer to her and kissed her to make her stop. She blushed even more and he grinned.

"Only if you stop that," John told Bri and offered her his hand so she could get to her feet. She tilted her head with a bright grin as she moved to go grab her sneakers. "And never say any of those words in my presence again." He added as he watched Bri lean over to grab her black and white sneakers that she basically paired with every outfit.

"Alright, bye guys." Brianna said after a minute and got a bye from each of the boys before she hit the leave call button so it was only her and John now. She turned to face him and placed her hands on his shoulders despite the fact that he was taller then her and she grinned. "When he doesn't want you to be his little uwu discord gamer girl." She tilted her head with a bright grin which made John roll his eyes.

"Oh shut the fuck up." John laughed lightly and pressed his lips to her forehead. Brianna tilted her head up even more, her eyes meeting his once again and she stepped closer to him with a playful grin on her face.

"Make me." Brianna said, her lips only centimeters from his but she pulled away as she saw a John take an extra second to take another breath. His hands moved to Brianna's hips but she pulled away with a bright teasing grin on her face. "Come on let's go." She said and made her way towards the front door with John following closer behind, muttering things under his breath about how she was a tease.

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