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Chapter 151 Old Man

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The filming process would go on for two days, and after that, the footage would be edited and produced. However, there was a unique aspect to this shoot.

The provincial investigation team would be traveling with the photography team this time. The investigation team would also go to the countryside to research the origins
of some problems.

However, the provincial investigation team would be traveling incognito and would not expose their true identity. After discussing and ensuring that Fang Liu was
comfortable with these conditions, the crew began their travels.


When the group arrived at their destination, they saw that the houses were built around a river pond in an ancient village.

The film crew had reserved a room in a guesthouse near the village. The television station only brought five to six people with them this time, and the people from the
investigation team stayed at a hotel in the countryside.

After packing some equipment, Fang Liu, the director, and the cameraman traveled to the filming location. The cameraman loaded his camera into the vehicle, and the three
set off.

The patient's house was at the village's head. It was a three-story-tall house. Those who could afford to build such a tall house were not ordinary people in the countryside.

When Fang Liu and the others arrived at the house, an older man with a hunch shakily approached them. When he saw the three people, he coughed up a mouthful of thick
phlegm and asked in a coarse voice, "Which one of you is the doctor?"

Fang Liu felt that this older man's strange eyes and raised eyebrows looked intimidating. She was afraid for a moment, but she was a doctor, and treating a patient was of
utmost importance. Fang Liu took a step forward and said, "I'm Doctor Fang. Are you the patient?"

The older man sized Fang Liu up from the corner of his eyes. He didn't quite believe that a young woman like Fang Liu could be a doctor. "You're so young. Can you do it
without ruining my grandson?" The older man coughed and spat on the ground.

Fang Liu's eyebrows twitched in disgust. She suppressed her discomfort and said, "I can't help it if you don't believe me."

The older man looked at everyone with a dubious expression and said, "Come with me." The three were about to enter the house when the older man suddenly pointed at
the camera and said, "Put that down."

The cameraman was stunned. The director quickly reacted and explained, "This is our cameraman. We have an appointment with you to film a show."
The older man huffed and glared at them. "Didn't you get enough footage when you came here?"

The director was dumbfounded. "But we haven't filmed the patient and the treatment process yet."

The older man shamelessly said, "I don't care. You've already filmed enough. You have to treat my son's illness now. I won't allow him to be on television when he's sick. You
two aren't allowed to come in except for this woman!"

The director finally understood why the older man had contacted him, saying he would allow them to film the entire treatment process. It was just a trick so that the
television station would send an expert doctor over.

Now that they were all there, the older man rejected their request to film. It was evident that the older man wanted free treatment.

Before Fang Liu could react, the older man grabbed her wrist. He pulled Fang Liu and started walking into the house, but Fang Liu didn't expect the older man to be so
strong. She almost fell over after being pulled.

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