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Chapter 136: Cousin

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Fang Liu looked at Jiang Chuan in disbelief. 'How could he be so shameless?' She then turned to Qin Rong and said, "Take a closer look at this guy, Qin Rong. He's a selfish coward! Why are you defending such a person? Snap out of it
Qin Rong was indeed sad when Jiang Chuan pushed the blame on her. But she still shook her head bitterly even after listening to Fang Liu's words.

"Tm grateful to you for treating me as a friend, Fang Liu, but you don't have to persuade me. I was the one who caused you so much pain. I admit that I am guilty, so you can let Jiang Chuan go."

Fang Liu shook her head sadly. 'How could Qin Rong be so blinded by love? This has become a serious matter since Mo Yu had decided to get the police involved. We have to deal with this matter appropriately.'


'Doesn't Qin Rong know that having a criminal record will greatly affect her future? A criminal record is difficult to erase.

After a series of negotiations, the police took Qin Rong and Jiang Chuan away. Mo Yu saw that Fang Liu was depressed, so he approached Fang Liu and hugged her. "What's wrong?"

"Tjust feel sorry for Qin Rong. Why would | fall for someone like Jiang Chuan?" Fang Liu let out a long sigh.

"There are several people in this world that are blinded by their emotions. You don't have to feel sorry for Qin Rong, She will regret that she had once fallen for a pathetic man like Jiang Chuan when she finally opens her eyes in the future."

The final exam ended, and Fang Liu managed to complete her thesis. She heaved a sigh of relief. Fang Liu knew that it was not easy to be a university student. She had never studied in the past, making learning more challenging.
Fortunately, Mo Yu was always by her side.

Shortly after returning home, Mo Yu mentioned to Fang Liu that one of his cousins was about to return from abroad. Mo Yu's cousin was named Tian Jing, and she grew up alongside Mo Yu. Tian Jing would later go abroad to study for her Ph.D., and the two haven't seen each other since.
Fang Liu asked Mo Yu nervously, "Do I need to get your cousin a gift?"

Mo Yu looked at Fang Liu's uneasy expression and found it amusing. "Why are you so nervous?"

"I-I just want your cousin to like me." Fang Liu smiled embarrassedly.

"You don't have to please everyone." Mo Yu pinched Fang Liu's cheek and continued, "You're my wife. There's no need for anyone else to like you." Despite Mo Yu's comforting words, Fang Liu still bought Tian Jing a present.

It drizzled on the day of Tian Jing's arrival, and the Yu-Liu duo waited outside the airport before picking her up. Tian Jing was a plump beauty with a slightly chubby figure. When Tian Jing saw Mo Yu and his wife, she put down her suitcase and ran toward Mo Yu, giving him a warm hug.
"Wow, Cousin Mo, you've gotten more handsome since I last saw you. I bet women can't get enough of you. You just have to take me around town now that I'm finally back."

"I want to go to the amusement park that I used to play at when I was younger. Will you come with me?"

Tian Jing held Mo Yu's arm and chatted away, giving him a gummy smile, while Fang Liu stood at the sidelines. It was as if Tian Jing hadn't noticed Fang Liu. Tian Jing was strictly focused on Mo Yu.
Fang Liu felt awkward. She tried to interrupt the two cousins several times, but she couldn't get a word in edgewise. Tian Jing was incessantly pestering Mo Yu.

Mo Yu started to get a headache from Tian Jing's perfume, so he discreetly pulled Tian Jing's hand and formally introduced her to Fang Liu, "Tian Jing, this is Fang Liu, your cousin-in-law. You're so insensible. You didn't even greet my wife." Mo Yu's tone was stern.
Tian Jing pouted in dissatisfaction after being reprimanded by Mo Yu. She turned her head to face Fang Liu and said in a drawn-out voice, "Hello there, cousin-in-law."

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