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The next day arrived swiftly, and Estrella found herself adorned with all her heirship rings, each one bearing the weight of her lineage: Mikaelson, Grindelwald, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Emrys. Today marked the dawn of a new era, a day when everything would change, and Dumbledore would face the consequences of his actions, unsuspecting of the storm that loomed on the horizon.

'Why Dumbledore?' You may ask. When Estrella, Merlin, and Grindelwald arrived in the time of the Founders, they revealed to her the truth of her abduction.

As Merlin stepped into the room, the Founders rose from their thrones, a mixture of anticipation and curiosity etched upon their faces. "Did she accept?" Salazar inquired eagerly, his eyes alight with anticipation. Merlin's gaze shifted behind him, and the door swung open, revealing Estrella standing beside her father.

"You must be Estrella," Helga greeted warmly, her eyes filled with a sense of familiarity as she approached the young woman. "My, do you look like your aunt," Rowena remarked, her tone tinged with nostalgia as Estrella froze, her gaze locking with Rowena's.

 "You knew my aunt?" she queried, a spark of curiosity igniting within her.

"Yes, as well as your father and the rest of their family," Rowena confirmed, her voice softening with reminiscence. Estrella's expression softened slightly at the mention of her family, a flicker of warmth blossoming within her.

"Estrella, I suppose Merlin has told you of the wizarding world and about Hogwarts," Godric interjected, his voice carrying a sense of gravitas as he addressed her. Estrella nodded in affirmation, her gaze steady as she met his gaze. "Then I suppose you know of the headmaster," Godric continued, his tone sombre.

"Yes, Albus Dumbledore," Estrella replied, her voice tinged with a hint of disdain. Salazar couldn't help but snicker at her choice of words, causing Estrella to cast him a puzzled glance."I prefer Dumb as a Door, Dumblewhore, or the Old Coot," Salazar remarked with a smirk, his tone laced with mockery. Estrella's confusion only deepened at his words, but before she could inquire further, Salazar's next revelation struck her like a bolt of lightning.

"Albus Dumbledore kidnapped you as a child and brought you to the orphanage after erasing your memories," Salazar revealed, his words hanging heavy in the air. Estrella's breath caught in her throat as the colour drained from her face, a mixture of shock and anger coursing through her veins.

"You idiot! I told you to take it slow," Godric scolds, however, Salazar paid no mind to it and focused on the reaction of the witch instead.

The deadly glint in her eyes did not escape the notice of the Founders, for it mirrored the same ferocity that burned within her father's gaze before he unleashed his wrath upon those who dared to cross him.

"I want every inch of him to suffer. He stripped me of my family, my blood, I make it my life's purpose to strip him of his pride." Estrella declared, her voice dripping with icy resolve, her words resonating with a chilling intensity that sent shivers down the spines of all who heard them. As she stood before the Founders, her steely gaze bore witness to a determination forged in the fires of betrayal, signalling the dawn of a vendetta that would shake the very foundations of the wizarding world.

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