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 August 28th, 1987 - Wool's Orphanage:

"Theo, Tom! Wait up!" Estrella's voice echoed through the corridors of Wool's Orphanage as she dashed after her friends, her breath coming in quick pants. "You two arses!" she called out, a hint of playful annoyance in her tone as she chased after them. Mattheo and Tom chuckled mischievously as they sprinted towards their favourite spot, the old tree they often sought refuge behind during their moments of camaraderie.

"They left me," Estrella murmured softly to herself as she sank down, her tears threatening to spill. Mattheo's heart ached at the sight of her distress, his resolve wavering at the sight of her vulnerability. "I can't do that to her, Tom," he confessed quietly, his gaze fixed on Estrella's trembling form. Stepping forward, he enveloped her in a gentle embrace, his warmth offering solace in the midst of her sorrow. "I would never leave you, princess," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity as he met her gaze.

With a smile tugging at her lips, Estrella lifted her head, the weight of her loneliness momentarily lifted by Mattheo's comforting presence. "Got you!" Tom's teasing voice interrupted their moment, drawing a playful eye-roll from Mattheo as he joined them under the tree, the bond between the three of them strengthening with each shared laugh and stolen moment.As Toby, the notorious bully of the orphanage, approached them with malice in his eyes, Mattheo and Tom exchanged a silent glance, their protective instincts flaring in response to Estrella's vulnerability. "You two freaks," Toby sneered, his tone dripping with disdain as he singled out Mattheo and Tom, his gaze filled with contempt. Ignoring the taunts, the boys turned towards Estrella, silently seeking her approval to leave her side.

With a reassuring nod from Estrella, they reluctantly parted ways, leaving her alone with Toby's menacing presence looming over her. Fear coursing through her veins, Estrella attempted to retreat, only to find herself trapped beneath Toby's imposing figure. "Toby, what are you doing? Get away from me!" she pleaded, her voice trembling as she struggled against his invasive touch.

A sudden surge of light erupted from Estrella's hands, startling Toby and causing him to stumble backward, his retreat halted by a sharp impact against a nearby pebble. Shock and pain etched across his face, Toby recoiled from Estrella's newfound power, his bravado crumbling in the face of her unexpected strength. "I said, get away!" Estrella's voice rang out with newfound authority, her resolve unwavering as she stood her ground against her assailant.By the time Mattheo and Tom returned, Estrella had fallen into an exhausted sleep, her face peaceful in repose despite the turmoil that had transpired in their absence. Concern etched across Mattheo's features, he turned to Tom, his voice laced with uncertainty. "How do we know we can trust this Professor Dumbledore?" he questioned, his doubts lingering in the air as they prepared to face the unknown that lay ahead.

In the wake of their encounter with Professor Dumbledore, the boys grappled with the realization of their magical heritage and the promise of a new beginning at a school for wizards. Though hesitant at first, they ultimately accepted the offer, their trust in Dumbledore outweighing their apprehensions.

The next morning, Estrella awoke to an empty garden, the absence of her friends a stark reminder of the solitude that now enveloped her. Searching in vain for any sign of their presence, she returned to her room, her heart heavy with longing and sorrow.As she fluffed her pillow, her fingers brushed against a folded piece of paper tucked beneath it, a silent promise of their return. With trembling hands, she unfolded the letter, tears welling in her eyes as she traced the familiar handwriting.

"Dear Ella,

Miss Cole introduced us to a man who told us that we were special, that there was a place for people like us. He said we were wizards, that we could do magic. Isn't that brilliant? He's the headmaster of a school, and he offered us a place. I promise we'll come to visit you three times a year and bring treats.

See you soon, your Theo."

'At least they left this wretched place,' Estrella thought bitterly, her gaze fixed on the words before her. Yet beneath the facade of indifference, her heart shattered into a million pieces, the ache of abandonment piercing her soul. "They left me," she whispered her voice barely a whisper in the empty room, her loneliness echoing in the silence that surrounded her.

𝙀𝙈𝙋𝙏𝙔 𝙋𝙍𝙊𝙈𝙄𝙎𝙀𝙎; 𝙃𝙋 & 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝘼𝙇𝙎Where stories live. Discover now