Good News

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Tine was jumping up and down with joy. He couldn't wait to tell Sarawat about it. He made elaborate dinner with dessert and was eagerly waiting for Wat to come home. They had moved in last month after continuous puppy eyes Wat threw his way. Moving in together was a big commitment, something Tine wasn't sure he was ready for but at the same time it was quite hard staying away from Wat. They didn't get much time together since they both were busy with their lives and were too tired to make the trip to meet each other.

When Wat had got the job, he had immediately asked Tine to move in together. At first, Tine had refused but Wat didn't give up. He kept telling him how much fun it would be if they lived together but even then Tine wouldn't budge. Wat looked so forlorn when they didn't get to meet each other. Then one day Wat wouldn't leave him alone even when it was time for him to go home.


"Wat, you've to go to work tomorrow."

"No, I miss you so much."

"We were together the whole day."

"I want to be with you all the time. I want to wake up to your face every morning. I want to see you sleep beside me. I want to cook all your meals and eat them with you. I want to be there when you get suck or when you need me."

"Wat, I don't want to move in together."

"I understand that. We haven't been dating long enough for you to be that comfortable. But can't I just come here in evening and then leave in morning?"

"When will you sleep? Your place is 2 hours away. You would be travelling all the time."

"I don't mind. I want to see at least once a day."

"We could video call."

"That's not same. I just.... I know I am being clingy and it must be making you uncomfortable. I'm really sorry for that." Wat pouted.

Tine smiled at his adorable boyfriend, "I'm not uncomfortable. I'm just afraid of falling too fast for you."

Wat gasped in horror, "What do you mean by that? You haven't fallen for me yet?"

Tine smacked him on arm, "Be serious. Maybe we could do a trial run?"

"Trial run?"

"Yeah, let's give it a week."

Wat asked hopefully, "So I can live with you?"

"Yes but if it doesn't work out-"

"I'll do as you say."

That's how they started living together. Now Tine was so used to having Wat around him that he couldn't bear being away from him. Wat came back from work and freshened up. He was surprised to see the scrumptious dinner Tine had cooked.

"Is today something special? I didn't forgot something, right?" He asked.

"I have a good news."

He instantly froze, "It's not what I think it is, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"By good news, you don't mean your pregnant, right?"

Tine frowned, "And if I did mean that?"

"Bu- wait, your a man. Why would you get pregnant?"

Tine narrowed his eyes at him , "I won't but I don't like your reaction."

"Oh, let it be. So what's the good news?"

"Don't try to change the subject."

"But that was the subject to begin with."

"You don't want me to have your child."

"But what's the point of talking about it since we are both men so no one is getting pregnant."

"But if I could? You wouldn't want me to be pregnant."

"Tinnie, it's all hypothetical-"

"So you'll leave me, hypothetically?"

"Of course not."

"Then why did you have such reaction? You don't want to raise a family with me." Tine sulked.

"I was just surprised that's all. If you could get pregnant, I would be happy."

"So now you're sad because I can't get pregnant?"

"That's not the problem, babe."

"So I'm the problem?"

Wat sighed, "Of course not. Why are you so obsessed with being pregnant?"

Tine's eyes widened, "I'm obsessive now?"

"Do you want me to get angry?" Wat asked.

"Are you angry at me?"

"Yes, I think I should punish you."

"Why? I didn't do anything wrong."

Wat pulled Tine on his lap, nuzzling as he placed soft kisses on Tine's neck making the boy shudder in delight. Tine turned around to kiss Wat, wrapping his arms around Wat's neck as they started making out. Tine was wriggling on Wat's lap making both of them hard.

"Babe, what was the good news?" Wat asked as he roamed his hands inside Tine's shirt.

"I got the job in Reverin Inc."

"So I should congratulate my baby." Wat picked up his baby and took him to the bedroom to congratulate him properly.

Mew could tell something was worrying his bun. Gulf was scatterbrained all the time and would hardly talk about anything. Few times, Mew had tried to ask him what was wrong but Gulf changed the subject swiftly. On top of that, Gulf kept regressing a lot lately. He had gotten a lot better in between but it looked like he was back to square one. Right now Gulf was playing with his hair as he worked on his laptop. He had been in regressed state for hours today.

"Look at bub."


"Why won't you look at bub?"

"Just wait a little."

"Bub won't wait anymore. Look at bub now." With that said, Gulf pulled Mew's hair making him drop the laptop which crashed on the floor.

"GULF." Mew shouted angrily.


"I told you I would play with you after some time. Why don't you listen to me?"

"It's Mewie's fault."

"Don't argue with me."

"Mewie is bad. He's shouting at bub."


"Bub hates you. You don't care about me." Gulf started throwing tantrum.

"I do but-"

"Get out. Don't want you near me." Gulf screamed.



"Gulf, calm down. Don't cry."

Mew tried to hug Gulf but he was too angry to let Mew near him so he tried to push him away and scratched him on face. Mew moved back in pain and shock. Gulf had thrown tantrums before but never like this. Gulf was shocked too so he got up and ran to his room locking the door from inside.

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