Welcome to Wedding Hell

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Now Mew didn't have anger issues, that's what he would like to believe anyway, so the fact that he was calmly sitting in front of his soon to be husband and in-laws enjoying a delicious dinner in a very fine restaurant along with his parents was a miracle in itself. No shouting or yelling, no cursing or passive aggressive behavior, no getting up in the middle of the dinner and walking away, trust me he had done worse than this when things didn't go his way, not that you can rest the blame completely on his shoulder when you had to deal with parents like his.

He kept staring at Gulf who was quietly munching on the food without saying a single word, in fact since he had arrived here he hadn't heard Gulf say anything except greeting them. What a snobbish jerk! That's what it looked like to Mew since right now Gulf was the biggest villain in his life. He couldn't understand why the hell would the guy not reject the wedding. It's not like he was poor or something and even if this marriage would be like a business merger he couldn't be gaining too much to be willing to marry a committed guy.

At first, Gulf had seemed like a decent and soft spoken guy but now Mew was sure he was just douchebag who loved messing with people. No worries, since the marriage was happening anyway even without his consent he was going to enjoy it to the fullest by making Gulf suffer like hell. The date had been finalized, wedding hall booked, invitation card already sent, flowers and cake all ordered. Official announcement had been made and lots of business associates and dignitaries from both side had been invited in this sham of a marriage.

Finally it was the day of their wedding and both of them were equally reluctant to walk down the aisle. Nonetheless they said their vows and shared a brief kiss and were declared married. It was time for them to leave as they had already greeted all the guests and had dinner with the family.

"Mew, take care of our son. He may be lacking but I'm sure you will handle him fine." Mr. Kanawut said as he clasped Mew's hand in his.

Mew smiles forcedly, "No worries, Mr. Kanawut. He's my responsibility now. I'll take good care of him."

Mr. Kanawut hugged Gulf tightly and anyone looking at them would think the father and son were close to each other but the truth was far from that. Mr.Kanawut was threatening Gulf to behave and not mess it all up. Mew and Gulf sat in Mew's new car, wedding gift from Gulf's father even though both of them already owned one but it was just a symbol of status. As they drove to their new home, gifted by Mew's father, silence prevailed for the entire ride. Mew was too tired and upset to say anything and Gulf was scared beyond wits.

Aa soon as they reached the apartment, Mew walked to the door without waiting for Gulf and went to their room for showering. Gulf was left standing in the middle of living room wondering whether they would share a room or would get individual rooms since they didn't like each other obviously. He was debating what to do when Mew came out of the room after showering and went to kitchen to take out the wine and drink.

Gulf gathered some courage and asked, "Mew-"


"Huh? What?"

"Don't ever say my name from your filthy mouth."

He was confused, "But w-what am supposed to c-call you t-then?"

Mew glared at him, "Master would do."

Gulf was surprised, "What?"

"Are you deaf? Or maybe retarded?"

"But why would I call you master?"

"Because I said so. Do you need any other reason?"



Mew was so booming loud that Gulf jumped up in fear and nodded his head frantically.

"I need an answer."


"Okay what?"

Gulf felt humiliated calling husband master, "Yes m-master."

"Now let's establish some ground rules so that you won't mess up with my life."

Gulf stayed silent at that.

"1) Adress me as master when we're alone or whenever I tell you to.

2) Cook all the meals.

3) Clean the house. There shouldn't be a speck of dirt.

4) You won't go anywhere without my permission.

5) You can't call anyone here without asking me.

6) You'll sleep in guest room. Don't ever step in my room except when I allow it.

7) Pretend we're happy in front of others.

8) Don't argue with me ever.

Rest I'll tell when I'll think of them."

Gulf stuttered, "That's.... B-But it's like- I'm.... You know like a s-slave."

"So? Aren't you?"

"I'm your husband."

"My wife."

"No, I'm a man so I'm husband."

"Don't argue with me."


"I'm too tired to deal with your nonsense." Mew stood up and went up to his room.

Gulf was left standing thinking about how his married life was going to be. Mew seemed too scary to live with. He would do his best to follow the rules. He followed rules at home too so he was sure he could do this. He had to not like he had any other option. No matter how bad Mew would be maybe he wouldn't be as cruel as his parents. As long as he didn't hit him, Gulf was fine with other things.

It was pathetic how low his standard was for others because he had never received love in any form from anyone in his life. He would take whatever Mew would throw his way as long as he got to stay away from his parents because those rules weren't aa harsh as his life back home. He had no where to go anyway nor did he have any friends to call here. As for cooking and cleaning, he did that at home too so it wasn't that big of deal. Only thing he hated was that he had to call Mew master. That sounded humiliating but he could put up with that.

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